
I just starting carping this spring with mixed success. Probably taken more skunkings with carp than any other species... but there's something about wading through broad shallows looking for fish like you're hunting that makes it a totally different experience. I'll take steelhead, trout or smallies over carp any day don't get me wrong, but in the dog days of summer it's a nice change of pace and a hell of a lot of fun.
moon1284 wrote:

I think they are hard to hook, BUT you need to put the fly right in front of their nose (similar to lining steelhead) and I think their fighting is greatly exaggerated (they have slow strong runs).


This statement is not even close to correct. Both parts. You don't need to hit them in the face with the fly for them to take it. After a cast, I've had carp turn and chase a sinking fly from distances up to 5 feet away. It actually is harder to get them to eat when it's right in front of them because of the location of their eyes. It's better to be off to one side or the other with your fly.
Although they don't have the lightning speed of a fresh Steelie, I have yet to be dissapointed with a fight. I've had carp to within a few feet of me only to take off again while peeling all the line to backing in seconds. My largest did that 7 times before I finally landed it. I've had more than a few line burns or knuckles banged up with the handle due to a carp's power and SPEED. I do think that a lake /pond carp will not fight as hard as a river/creek carp but all fight much harder than any trout I ever caught.
And I'm not complaining that you don't fish for them, in fact glad you don't because I'm selfish, but needed to set a couple things straight.
Well, based on the strong opinions, maybe carp are a better game fish than I give them credit for. I did not know that carp moved for flies like fly flinger described. I guess I was being antagonistic with this thread but you guys all put out some very good points.

In all seriousness, if anyone would like information on locations of very large carp (15#+, with some probably over 30#) in the WNY area, or a virtually un-fished Syracuse Lake with tons of large carp in it, let me know. They are areas that can be fly fished and the carp aren't pressured at all.

Thanks for everyone's input
afishinado wrote:

I lived along the Susky, and as a kid I dreamed of catching big carp measured in pounds and not inches. I caught quite a few of them and may be carped out. Today I will not go out of my way to fish for them, but I have been known to target them if the opportunity presents itself.

Carp are foragers and not predator fish. I have no idea if the presence of carp in some way depresses or harms the population of other species of fish. Not likely.

Everyone should fish for whatever species floats their boat. I will say that carp fishing can be difficult with a fly and takes some skill to be really good at it.

As far as being trendy, I guess it is. There are some really good carpers on here. Codym is one. I've fished with him, and if you you can get past the hipster look with the blue plaid shirt and tennis shoes, he's really a good FFer carpster and enjoys his sport.

Tennis shoes? More like a beat up old pair of vans. I'm not sure how he didn't go for a few swims wading the lehigh in those.

Bosshog wrote:
Tennis shoes? More like a beat up old pair of vans. I'm not sure how he didn't go for a few swims wading the lehigh in those.

Hey Dan,

He's really turned hipster since you moved to Miami. Gotta straighten him out...

Hopefully the fishin' has improved. Your GF told me you've been skunked so far (no fish in South Beach I guess :roll: )...

I finally managed to figure out the peacock bass, and other assorted salt species i can find in the bay. Mainly small cuda.

I need a boat with a motor. Paddling really sucks when it's 90 degrees with 100% humidity.

I need to get down to Flamingo, but the mosquito's are brutal right now in the everglades.

Biggest issue here is that literally everyone fishes. So the fish see tons of pressure, from what i've gathered from some guys at the local shop is that Biscayne Bay is basically cleaned out. Which sucks because I live 3 minutes from a kayak launch and can be in the bay in 10 minutes. And for being surrounded by water, water access really sucks here.

To be honest. I miss being on the river. I'll be home for labor day weekend. I'll stop by the shop if I have some time.

Pretty sweet carpin video. Found it a few yrs ago. Id fishm if they were around.
Flyflinger is correct, they will also follow your fly 20feet or more as you strip it in..sometimes they will eat it sometimes they wont