Carp Flies??????


Dec 23, 2011
New to fishing for Carp! Can anyone please tell me what flies work best for them when fishing for Carp!?!? Can you also include the right size!? Thanks guys!
Ok from my experience, stick with really impressionistic flies(wooly bugger, charlie, gotcha etc.). Some more carp specific flies out there are Carp Crack by roughfisher, carp candy by a guy named mike I think, and both guy's have blogs so you can check out the other patterns. Its more about presentation than fly selection. I almost always start out with a crazy charlie sz 8-10 in tan. This is typically a successful pattern for me. Some people fish much larger patterns like 2-6, but I think that is dependent on the size of carp you are targetting. I am not fishing over 50lbers, so I go a little smaller. Once again, stalking the fish properly, targeting active feeding fish and delivering a nice presentation is 90% of the game, so dont fret too much over fly selection. Check out some of the carp blogs, they will give more insight on flies than I just did.
Well man, i always liked nymphs like a size 16 prince nymph has worked great for me. Sight fishing for them is best but if you have to blind cast just let that nymph slowly sink to the bottom and slowly drag it across the bottom. Keep a close eye on your line they sometimes bite really soft and when they realize it is fake the spit it out fast.
Cream sucker spawn or or pastel light yellow works well.
Here was my best producer this summer...

