Canoe Camping on French Creek



Jul 4, 2010
My brothers and I are planning a 3 night canoe camping trip on French creek for the end of October, primarily targeting musky. We are planning on starting our float around Cambridge springs and floating maybe 10-15 miles total (well be fishing from the shore a lot). I was wondering if any of you guy have any info on places to camp on this section of French creek. Any info would be greatly appreciated.



The section you are looking at has (so far as I know..) no established public camping areas and any camping you do will probably either have to be with previous permission or on the sly on one of the islands (there are a few big enough to pitch a tent) or along the bank somewhere.

One possible source of information on the questions you are asking would be to write the folks at the French Creek Conservancy and ask them if camping is allowed at their conservation easements on the stream. There are several of these in the section you are targeting. Write them here:
Can't help with the camping question, but hope you have a great trip, I've floated French, and have seen some nice muskies in there. lot's of walleye and smallies also, heck a 5lb smallie is pretty common in those parts.
Thanks for the replies guys. I sent a message to fcc. I've also found several maps from a few sources that show camping areas and islands along the section were trying to float. Also, my brother ordered a book that focuses on canoe camping on french creek, hopefully that coupled with the maps and any info from the fcc will give us enough to put an actionable plan together. It's definitely a challenge trying to put this float together, especially having never fished french creek.
Really looking forward to this trip though, it's been a long time since I targeted/caught musky, let alone during prime time in late october.
Unfortunately I don't have an adequate setup to throw musky flies, so I'll have to dust the cob webs off my old 8' heavy bait caster.