Can we get an out of state forum?



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Can we get an out of state forum, for the good floks that can't seem to post in the off topics forum?
I believe my post is/should be considered "General forum". But I bow to our MODS fancy.

So sorry, I live a mere 8 miles from the NYS border and fish in 2 states a lot. I'll abstain from posting anything about NYS in the future.
Not aimed at you, but there are guys post about OOS streams all over the different forums, it makes more sense to have one for out of state.
For now, reports or information about out of state waters can be posted in the Stream Locations or Stream Reports forums. While this is indeed "PA"flyfish, the site owner does not prohibit out of state reports. In particular, much of our readership is interested in nearby places such as the Ontario tribs, streams in western Maryland, or the Jersey shore and information/reports on these nearby destinations is encouraged.

We'll always be Pennsylvania-centric but some out of state stuff is nice too.
I agree with fishidiot. reports and talk of neighboring states is good to read, I don't mind it a bit.
I'm not opposed to the OOS stuff, but it does kind of get lost because it's all over the place. At least four different forums have oos stream.
Just speaking for myself, the most common "moderating" I do is moving threads to different forums.....and most of this is transferring threads about specific streams out of the General forum and over to Stream Locations. I do this virtually every day, but try to be subtle about it. I usually let the thread settle and, after it's not been refreshed for 24 hours or so, then I'll move it (or sometimes when it's first posted before anyone can respond). As an example, I moved a thread about the Gunpowder (a stream in Maryland) from General to Locations a couple days ago. Moving threads about streams - whether in PA or not - is a judgement call and I try not to step on anyone's toes while discussion is unfolding. Most folks stop paying attention to threads after they "sink" down to mid page and haven't seen any new posts that same day. This is when I try to implement my "stealth housecleaning." :)
I don't think we need any more forums. Having a forum for every imaginable type of topic ia cumbersome IMO. I rarely read some of the forums as it is.

With kev. Title your reports well and you eliminate any problems.

Sorry to get back to you so late. I have considered this and would like to head in this direction some time. I have another forum rolling out soon and just opened the H&E Forum.

The mods would kill me if I added any more just yet, but will still look into it for some time down the road. I like hearing about other locations too.


DK, giving any hints at what the new forum might be?
I was going to post this in the forum comments forum, but its somewhat related to this topic. Would there be any support for adding a few regional sub-forums? This would have the potential of putting folks in the same region in contact with each other, with a little less background noise. Maybe it would encourage some of the lurkers to become joiners?

My thinking for this comes from another website that I joined last summer, which was created by the other Sal, for Lancaster County fly fishers. The last post there was five months ago and I don't think its because the people that are registered there are gone; most or all are actually on this board. However, I think its because the general or high level stuff is already covered here, and there's not enough volume of interest in just local items to sustain that particular site. The volume is definitely here to sustain both the general discussions and more regional, localized discussions. Regional sub-forums would aid in organizing that.
