camera vs phone

Also sounds like it works opposite of what would be ideal. The reason it exists is that you put your focal plane and subject plane on the same level, and maximize depth of field from a minimum f/stop.

The artiste crowd understands the inverse is possible, if you tilt them OUT of alignment, you can mimize DoF even further by intentionally cutting back your focal plane... Like those bumps you see on Adult Swim at night.

I'd be impressed by the former, I'm not so impressed by the latter. :)
Okie doke.

(if you listened closely, you could actually hear my bewildered blinking)
Okie doke. (if you listened closely, you could actually hear my bewildered blinking)

Glad to see I was not the only one but I figured I'z just tardo.

My question is who had the Hydros?

I think I am going to get the iphone 4 since the Shack has a sweet deal on them and apparently people on ebay are still not aware that iphone is coming out on Verizon next month and are paying $400 for a used 3GS. New phone plus profits imo. The camera upgrade (not the video conferencing that is non-sense) is pretty sweet. I tried taking photos of that damn green x-caddis for Jerry and another dude the other night and couldn't get a decent photo, so you will have to wait for the swap.


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JayL wrote: Just realized that the free version no longer supports higher resolutions than what you see there. LAME.

Here Jay, just ripped my ultimate version off my phone for ya.
Sweet. But I actually just paid the developer his $4 a few minutes ago. That's very thoughtful of you, and I am sure someone will appreciate it. I'm saving it as a backup.
jayL wrote:
Okie doke.
(if you listened closely, you could actually hear my bewildered blinking)

Fixed lens/film plane:

See, everything is straight up and down.

But, "tilt" lets you, ready for this...tilt! So you can effectively do this:

The focus plane is closer aligned with your subject plane.
Ok. So given all of that...

What kind of picture do you want to see to illustrate this thing's abilities?
The initital helios shot worked, anything with an object that shows a linear progression of dof.

Is it too cold to fish, today?
Is it too cold to fish, today?

I don't think it's gonna hit the projected high for today. It's 11:30 AM and 10 degrees off the high, which means it is balls cold out there. Be super holiday father today and save free day ace in the hole for warmer weather imo.
You have to remember that just because the weather (air temp) goes up and the water goes up slightly its going to be worth going. fish take a while to acclimate to the temps and might not become active.
I have watch guys fish on a warm day on the LL and not do any good, then the next day after it gets cold again I have caught fish because the have acclimated to the temps.
Sandy, its less about catching fish as much as it is about me having the urge to not sit at home. The catching is just an incidental activity.

FWIW, I went today and yesterday, and had a fantastic time both days.