Call senators Toomey and Casey TODAY



Sep 9, 2006
Today is the last day to urge your senators to vote against Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA. This matters. Take 5 minutes. Call them today.

Immediate action:

More info on why Pruitt must be opposed:
The "deadline" here has been extended due to the delay on Pruitt's confirmation vote. I would urge those who haven't called to do so today or on Monday.
I had all my family members call in support of the rule rollback. Stop with the fake news from Hatch and others about this issue.
franklin wrote:
I had all my family members call in support of the rule rollback. Stop with the fake news from Hatch and others about this issue.

I unsubscribed to "Hatch's" newsletter due to the "sky is falling" articles/emails.
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?
Afish, I golfed once. First, after looking around the course, I'm too young for golf.
Secondly, the game makes no sense, you hit a ball, then go chase it, once you find it, you hit it again so you can look for it again.

All this "sky is falling" nonsense reminds me of my "Intro to Fish and Wildlife Management" professor losing his mind for an entire class period when Corbett got elected governor. Guess what? The creeks didn't start glowing that day, and all wildlife weren't killed off.

If y'all want environmentalists instead of conservationists in charge, be careful what you wish for. One day they'll outlaw dragging a fish around by its face for a human's enjoyment.

Lastly, and most importantly, your opening response makes a big assumption that I care if I'm part of a group or not.
afishinado wrote:
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Erroneous group think.
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Erroneous group think.

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.

afishinado wrote:
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Erroneous group think.

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Have you read the regulations yourself? I have. I haven't met anyone locally who has. They all spout the misinformation contained in the Hatch article and others that are similar.

Are you saying that because I research the issues and form my own opinion (I have a science oriented degree) that I am not welcome in Fly Fishing?

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Or maybe it's just poop.
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Erroneous group think.

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Have you read the regulations yourself? I have. I haven't met anyone locally who has. They all spout the misinformation contained in the Hatch article and others that are similar.

Are you saying that because I research the issues and form my own opinion (I have a science oriented degree) that I am not welcome in Fly Fishing?

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Or maybe it's just poop.

Uh....there is a little science behind the rule. The scientists from the EPA [d]read[/d] wrote the rule and here is a little bit about what went into it:

What the Clean Water Rule Does

For over a decade, EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers have received requests for a rulemaking to provide clarity on protections under the Clean Water Act from members of Congress, state and local officials, industry, agriculture, environmental groups, scientists, and the public. In developing the rule, the Agencies held hundreds of meetings with stakeholders across the country, reviewed over one million public comments, and listened carefully to perspectives from all sides.

EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers also utilized the latest science, including a report summarizing more than 1,200 peer-reviewed, published scientific studies which showed that small streams and wetlands play an integral role in the health of larger downstream water bodies.

Link to source:

Given the above, I'm a groupie....and believe the rule benefits us all.

Here is a great article to read. It details President Trump's most recent proposals dealing with energy and the environmental issues.
afishinado wrote:
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Erroneous group think.

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Have you read the regulations yourself? I have. I haven't met anyone locally who has. They all spout the misinformation contained in the Hatch article and others that are similar.

Are you saying that because I research the issues and form my own opinion (I have a science oriented degree) that I am not welcome in Fly Fishing?

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Or maybe it's just poop.

Uh....there is a little science behind the rule. The scientists from the EPA [d]read[/d] wrote the rule and here is a little bit about what went into it:

What the Clean Water Rule Does

For over a decade, EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers have received requests for a rulemaking to provide clarity on protections under the Clean Water Act from members of Congress, state and local officials, industry, agriculture, environmental groups, scientists, and the public. In developing the rule, the Agencies held hundreds of meetings with stakeholders across the country, reviewed over one million public comments, and listened carefully to perspectives from all sides.

EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers also utilized the latest science, including a report summarizing more than 1,200 peer-reviewed, published scientific studies which showed that small streams and wetlands play an integral role in the health of larger downstream water bodies.

Link to source:

Given the above, I'm a groupie....and believe the rule benefits us all.

Here is a great article to read. It details President Trump's most recent proposals dealing with energy and the environmental issues.

You are simply quoting the press release by the Obama administration. I'm asking if you read the rules, the rules changes that Congress and Trump are proposing, and have an understanding of what it actually means?
afishinado wrote:
franklin wrote:
afishinado wrote:
^ you guys are going to pretty lonely in the sport since nearly every conservation organization I belong to or have read about is against the appointment of Scott Pruitt and the rollback of regs.

Also the outdoor sports industry especially the hunting and fishing companies, as well as retailers have come out against the above.

Have you guys ever considered taking up golf?

Maybe that's part of the problem. Erroneous group think.

Since those "groups" all seem to say it looks like a fish, swims like a fish, and poops like a fish.......chances's a fish.


Convenient how you left out smells like a fish.

Sorry, couldn't resist.
Took up golf once then realized that the grass really doesn't grow like that naturally without copious applications of chemical compositions that I have no knowledge of......nor their effect on my body. Amazing how these courses can totally eradicate any semblance of natural native flora and fauna.

Just sayin'
Pruitt's effects on the EPA as well as trump's proposed EPA budget (25% cut; 20% cut in staff) ought to make their intention crystal clear.
mcneishm wrote:
Pruitt's effects on the EPA as well as trump's proposed EPA budget (25% cut; 20% cut in staff) ought to make their intention crystal clear.

Heard a news report this morning that a large coal mining study costing millions of $ is still going forward. Maybe because the study is in WV and then want Manchin's votes? They do need to make cuts. I'd probably chose to make them differently but without an alternate offset simply wanting to keep a program won't win the argument.