Call for help - New Section


Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Well in my effort to triple task my efforts on the site I want to add a new/old section and need some help. I have been working this for a while and am ready to get it started. I want to add back to the site a Streams section which would allow people to easily find some of the better an more popular streams.

I have done this in the past based on a county by county approach. When I did this last time it was way too much work to keep up with that many streams. With 67 counties and hundreds of streams it is out of hand.

My plan is to have six regions and a few streams from each area identified and written up. I want to include seasonal information, maps and photographs.

I am looking for help on getting the Southcentral region started.
The streams I want to start with include: Yellow Breeches, Letort, and Muddy Creek. If anyone feels they have a few photographs of these streams they would like to contribute I would be grateful and of course give them credit.

Please PM if you feel you can help.

