Cabin Fever Pastimes

Painting looks great! Lots of happy trees! I'm tracking its location and like many of of you, I walk away skunked most often. I find myself back more for the scenery and solitude on the upper stretch but often find myself driving down the road which always results in better luck.

Rod building by the way. That's what's getting me through the winter. Just finished a Livinston Glass 804, have a JP Ross on the bench, a steffen and 2 short SF era Scott G blanks queued up behind it.
Kettlebells, fly tying, and Yuengling get me through the winter. Every other weekend I make chili. I may play hooky during this warm snap, but I might save the paid day off for an even better fishing opportunity in the spring.

Went for a hike and found a brookie stream in my neighborhood the other day too.
I'm surprised more guys don't tie their own leaders. I think knotless tapered leaders are the worst.
Kettlebells, fly tying, and Yuengling get me through the winter. Every other weekend I make chili. I may play hooky during this warm snap, but I might save the paid day off for an even better fishing opportunity in the spring.

Went for a hike and found a brookie stream in my neighborhood the other day too.

Pretty nice to have a brookie stream in your neighborhood!
I try to walk an hour everyday in my neighborhead.
But the nearest trout steam is at least 30 minutes drive away.
WT stream would be about an hour.

I haven't fished for about 3 months now.
And starting to have withdrawal symptoms.
Hopefully - with some help from Ma Nature - I'll be astream again in the next few weeks

Pretty nice to have a brookie stream in your neighborhood!
I try to walk an hour everyday in my neighborhead.
But the nearest trout steam is at least 30 minutes drive away.
WT stream would be about an hour.

I haven't fished for about 3 months now.
And starting to have withdrawal symptoms.
Hopefully - with some help from Ma Nature - I'll be astream again in the next few weeks
They’re weights. A bit more fun than dumbbells and bars.

I live by the Gunpowder, so I have a lot of water right near by.
I come here to read the posts, tie flies, do home improvements and complaint to my wife I can't fish.
I'm surprised more guys don't tie their own leaders. I think knotless tapered leaders are the worst.
I can’t stand them either. I buy a short, heavy furled leader for my butt section, then build/rebuild tapered tippet sections off that. 2x-4x, or 3x-5x. For anything heavier than 4x I don’t even taper. Works great for dries and streamers, not the best for nymphing, but if I’m nymphing, it means I’m pretty desperate to just fish anyway. ;)

The furled section lasts a couple of years usually. Maybe one year on a Brookie set up that is constantly in the trees/rhodo. A little more expensive out of the gate than a knotless leader, but far cheaper in the long run given their lifespans.
They’re weights. A bit more fun than dumbbells and bars.

I live by the Gunpowder, so I have a lot of water right near by.
I'm the furled leader camp too; trout fishing only for everything but streamers and most nymphing. For the rest, I still knot my own leaders although I don't make nearly as many as I used to.

I also use woven silk blend leaders that I order from a guy in Italy that I like even better than furled leaders and I still like braided butt leaders that I use for nymphing and dry flies on occasion. Both of these options are like furled leaders as they are just the butt sections to which you add what you want.
There is no time for cabin fever when the winter is an excellent time for ice fishing, skating, cross-country skiing, mountain biking, snowshoeing, and hiking. An added bonus for winter hiking is no spider webs, no bugs, and many days with low humidity.
I build up gravitas for the spring by spending time with the wife!

Also ride the stationary bike and lift at the gym to get my legs in hiking/wading shape.

And of course there's always that dastardly work activity that needs to be done to fund all this mess.
Saw a LBS on my car today. Getting there.
We started another fun winter project today - cleaning the attic
It's amazing what you accumulate living in the same place for 43 years.
I'll be hauling lots of stuff to curbside for pickup next week
I rented a dumpster and filed it. Was hugely satisfying for me. Thought my wife was gonna stroke.
After my second winter retired I did not like the and decided to take a break this year. I'm down in Florida for two months. I really do enjoy being in the outdoors or just outside for that matter. Walking the dog in twenty degree weather is not my thing. My wife is still working and can do so from here. It really makes it nice.

Keeping busy walking the dog as mentioned, riding my bike, working on Paflyfish, webinars, photography, cooking for my wife. My days are pretty full and get amount 5-6 miles of walking in every day. I do need to get some up body exercising going for me.
Don't you fish at all down there?