Cabin Fever 2015 Fly Fishing Expo in PA - short movie



Active member
Jan 11, 2009
Cabin Fever - Cranberry, PA, 22 Feb 2015
Penn’s Woods West Trout Unlimited

Short movie

Nice movie Jared. We don't encourage multiple posts in various forums. Therefore, I locked the general forum post and redirected people here who want to comment.
Everytime i see one of these my old body books a trip a young body should go on. Last time was Metal Head a B.C. Steelheading video that was entertaning if anything but alas i found myself on the Bulkey flinging flies. We had a ball caught some nice fish and i had to take rehab for a month. I met April volkey and the girl can flat out fish, i am still amazed at her ability with a spey.
Great video... As always, Jared. I missed this year for the first time since back when it was still I'm monroeville. After watching your video, I feel like I still got to walk the isles and learn from the presenters.
Looks like a nice sized show. I get too overwhelmed at the big ones