Cabela's "Wanna Go Fishing For Millions" Challenge

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So we are here now?

When I first saw this press release I thought the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) was offering scratch-offs at Cabela's. Seriously “Wanna' Go Fishing for Millions?” is this the same agency that promotes the Hollywood Casino?

Now I know fishing derbies have been around for a long time. There are many news stories of fishing contests in the 1800's. This is well before scratch-offs.

The more recent derbies in the U.S. have been set up for kids. Many are sponsored by local governments or sportsman clubs to raise awareness for fishing. I was at a derby a couple years ago at Brookville and there is no doubt the kids were catching fish and having fun.

This latest opportunity by the PFBC and Cabela's seems to prey on gamblers rather than encouraging young anglers. It looks like there will be eight waters containing "winning" fish. Sorry couldn't pass up a Charlie Sheen reference.To make it even more exciting the contest will coincide with the Fish-for-Free Day on May 30. This will make the shark hunt scene in Jaws look like a Longwood Gardens tea party.

Sign up here. I wonder if you can bring [d]dynamite[/d] Powerbait?
Maybe LRSABecker's pals from the Jordan on first day will be there in full camo again, hunting the fish with knives commando-style.
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Maybe LRSABecker's pals from the Jordan on first day will be there in full camo again, hunting the fish with knives commando-style.
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Maybe LRSABecker's pals from the Jordan on first day will be there in full camo again, hunting the fish with knives commando-style.
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I can't even begin to imagine the pressure this will bring to these eight waters. It'll be like opening day times ten!!!
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I can't even begin to imagine the pressure this will bring to these eight waters. It'll be like opening day times ten!!!
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I can't even begin to imagine the pressure this will bring to these eight waters. It'll be like opening day times ten!!!
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I hope so! Heck, I am going to try this. This is my best chance to win a million dollars!
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I hope so! Heck, I am going to try this. This is my best chance to win a million dollars!
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I hope so! Heck, I am going to try this. This is my best chance to win a million dollars!
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What's the big deal?

Here is a reality check.

Dave didn't say much, but it was clear that he was not a fan of this derby. if you do a google on Dave's title, you can find info. Read it.

These are in lakes, not in your beloved trout streams, and probably not tagging trout, either. It's a fishing derby similar to Carppiethon which is quite popular among warm water anglers. Do a search on Crappiethon.

So what if a few more people go out for a little lake fishing. In fact, that is exactly why they are doing it. It is lake fishing, they won't hurt the lakes one bit.

The derby lasts for 2 months.

These types of derbies have been around for a long time, it's just the first one that Cabela's did (as far as I know).
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What's the big deal?

Here is a reality check.

Dave didn't say much, but it was clear that he was not a fan of this derby. if you do a google on Dave's title, you can find info. Read it.

These are in lakes, not in your beloved trout streams, and probably not tagging trout, either. It's a fishing derby similar to Carppiethon which is quite popular among warm water anglers. Do a search on Crappiethon.

So what if a few more people go out for a little lake fishing. In fact, that is exactly why they are doing it. It is lake fishing, they won't hurt the lakes one bit.

The derby lasts for 2 months.

These types of derbies have been around for a long time, it's just the first one that Cabela's did (as far as I know).
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What's the big deal?

Here is a reality check.

Dave didn't say much, but it was clear that he was not a fan of this derby. if you do a google on Dave's title, you can find info. Read it.

These are in lakes, not in your beloved trout streams, and probably not tagging trout, either. It's a fishing derby similar to Carppiethon which is quite popular among warm water anglers. Do a search on Crappiethon.

So what if a few more people go out for a little lake fishing. In fact, that is exactly why they are doing it. It is lake fishing, they won't hurt the lakes one bit.

The derby lasts for 2 months.

These types of derbies have been around for a long time, it's just the first one that Cabela's did (as far as I know).
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Correct it is has not been announced that it is going to happen in any streams. I know I can be a little sarcastic, but I just think the whole thing is seems more like a carnival rather than something of a sporting nature.
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Correct it is has not been announced that it is going to happen in any streams. I know I can be a little sarcastic, but I just think the whole thing is seems more like a carnival rather than something of a sporting nature.
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Correct it is has not been announced that it is going to happen in any streams. I know I can be a little sarcastic, but I just think the whole thing is seems more like a carnival rather than something of a sporting nature.
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Not to mention, if you were to win the $1 million prize, it's payable only in an annuity - $20K for 50 years. Meh....
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Not to mention, if you were to win the $1 million prize, it's payable only in an annuity - $20K for 50 years. Meh....
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Not to mention, if you were to win the $1 million prize, it's payable only in an annuity - $20K for 50 years. Meh....
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20k a year for 50 years. meh? I'll take it.
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