Cabelas CZN



Jun 7, 2013
Anyone use this series? I did the "wiggle" test the other day at Cabela's of the 1004 and it seemed pretty nice. They just put them on sale today I think. Are they a straight-up nymphing rod like the name suggests or more versatile? Thanks.
The 4wt has been known to bounce fish. I used the 5wt at the Harmans North Fork Invitational and I liked it for those big pigs, but it was heavy. I have never used it since. Actually took it back and got a brand new one due to the butt cap coming off when I let a friend borrow it. I was planning on using the 5wt as a lake rod, but I am probably going to sell it and get a 6wt of some type. Basically, if you are going to dedicate a rod to nymphing you should go with a 3wt. I have not heard anything too bad about it. What are they selling them for?
What does "bounce fish" mean?
You lose them immediately on the hook set. Usually happens with smaller fish. You can feel the hook set, but they immediately "bounce" off due to the rod action.
Thanks, I hadn't heard of that.

I have the 9' 6" 3 wt. and really like it. I have fished it on spring creek and tossed small dries with it as well. I got mine on clearance a few years ago for $125.00. It was a steal in my opinion.
I have the 10' 4wt. So far so good.
I have had the 10' 4wt for a couple of years and I love it. I have not had a bounce problem either. That might be due to the hook set rather than the rod.
I was thinking the same thing heff. I'm guess it was Roberto Duran (aka "hands of stone")and not the rod missing the trouts. LMAO
Maybe I was wrong on the exact model that was having problems. It could be the 11ft model. I will find out.
i picked up the 9'6 3wt a few weeks back on sale and really like it

11 ft 4 wt. lots of spring in the hookset, rebound of tip caused moment of slack, lost fish. Upwards of 70% dropped in first 2 seconds.
If you are actually charting your hookset percentages....I can no longer speak to you.
This isn't me, dumbass. I am relaying problems that others have said about this rod. 63.7% of users of the 11ft 4wt Czn have cited that 70% of their lost fish come in the first 2 seconds 88% of the time.
SBecker wrote:
11 ft 4 wt. lots of spring in the hookset, rebound of tip caused moment of slack, lost fish. Upwards of 70% dropped in first 2 seconds.

Sounds like a personal problem... maybe you should seek help... I'm sure there is some medication for what ails you.
I have 10-4 ESN for sale.......just saying :)
After careful consideration, I will retract my prior post. I gave it some thought and due to lack of experience, I have no business arguing with a competition angler or someone that uses coiled indi / sighters. I hope you accept my apology.

+1 for buying the one Tennjed has for sale.
Lol I don't use coiled sighters and have never used the rod in question. I am just relating hearsay from a few guys that own them and used it in the past. The only way to figure this out on your own is to try one yourself!
I can't buy one now! Especially since I know they "bounce" fish. I only have 10-12 fish take my fly in a season. No way I'm giving up 70% of them.
Nah misunderstood the %70.

What he equated the %70 to was dropped fish. As in if he lost 10 fish 7 of those came from bouncing.