Bushkill Fish Kill..............



Sep 16, 2006

Where have I seen this before?
I’ve seen that before.
How in the world isn't there a back up system? Throw the book at them.
Ive been following this on facebook. Pretty disgusting.
How many times does this have to happen?
JeffP wrote:
How in the world isn't there a back up system? Throw the book at them.

There isn't a back-up system, probably, because whatever was thrown at them the previous times (if anything) was less expensive than a back-up system.
And it will wont be this time either....smdh
I am completely disgusted about this. How is it that this company is allowed to continuously rape this stream over and over and over!? How is it that our state freaks out over all kind of stupid stuff but when something like this happens nobody cares except for us. They're going to get a fined of a couple thousand dollars and turn their stupid pumps back on and 3 years from now the stream will be good fishing again just in time for them to shut the pumps off. Nobody does a dang thing about it. Not the State environmental protection agency, not the fish and boat commission, not anybody. It's honestly pathetic. Maybe we should riot. apparently that's something you're also allowed to do without any repercussions so let's go burn the place down LOL
Obviously I'm joking.......
For facebook users:


Look for Greg Sales comment. I cant copy and paste it here. He has been blasting everyone over being upset by this. I just knew it, here is the electrician that works on those pumps.
Read his comments.
Pretty sad.
I'm wondering what this 'special protection' the PAFBC says Class A streams get. Clearly it isn't that significant.
No need to wonder. “Special Protection” is a PaDEP program, which includes those waters designated as Exceptional Value EV and High Quality HQ. See DEP’s Chapter 93, Water Quality Standards for descriptions of the protections provided by each classification. Class A stream sections eventually become HQ, although they at times become EV if DEP finds characteristics that would support that more protective designation.
Zak Posted on: Today 18:44
I am completely disgusted about this. How is it that this company is allowed to continuously rape this stream over and over and over!? How is it that our state freaks out over all kind of stupid stuff but when something like this happens nobody cares except for us. They're going to get a fined of a couple thousand dollars and turn their stupid pumps back on and 3 years from now the stream will be good fishing again just in time for them to shut the pumps off. Nobody does a dang thing about it. Not the State environmental protection agency, not the fish and boat commission, not anybody. It's honestly pathetic. Maybe we should riot. apparently that's something you're also allowed to do without any repercussions so let's go burn the place down LOL

Zak Posted on: Today 18:44
Obviously I'm joking.......

Extremely bad joke.
It is disgusting though that a foreign owned business is allowed to entirely intercept a stream.

I've felt for some time that penalties to industries should always be assessed directly to the officers and not the corporation. They would be allot more careful.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
For facebook users:


Look for Greg Sales comment. I cant copy and paste it here. He has been blasting everyone over being upset by this. I just knew it, here is the electrician that works on those pumps.
Read his comments.
Pretty sad.

I copied and pasted this for you >

Greg Sales
Jeff Ellie I have always tried to stay neutral on this topic as I have been fly fishing this creek while most of you were pissing in diapers but enough is enough! Time for an educated. Hercules cement hired me in 2007 to build the 35000 volt service for these pumps and any issue since I guarantee you I got a phone call before the plan manager! They run up to 3 1500 horsepower pumps to keep that creek flowing. So time for an electrical education. 3 pumps at 4160 volts draws 563 amps. So you who have no idea about electric that is equal to 19,517 amps at 120 volts. Your wife’s hair drier draws about 15 amps. Think about that bill. Social media sucks because uneducated people can jump on and run their mouths without having a clue about the topic! I can honestly say that if that plant has a power failure the first priority is the pumps ( and I’ll mention that I’ve been there on every day of the week including holidays and at the middle of the night to get them on) my work phone rang at 12:12AM for this issue. If you uneducated people want to vent try calling the DEP that will not let them have diesel back up pumps as per their permit. Also talk to Penn DOT that relocated the creek bed when route 33 was constructed. I have maps for proof. Did I mention lately that I have been fly fishing this creek while most of you were still breastfeeding?? The cement company lined the creek bed on their property but could not go further because “The 33 bridges need ground water to keep them from sinking” Talk to Penn DOT about that! They pump an average of 63 MILLION gallons of water PER DAY to keep your creek flowing. Who wants to pay that bill? Didn’t think so. By the way an estimated 50 MILLION gallons reruns to the quarry. That is only 13 MILLION gallons per day gained. The session is over! I’m done hearing about how this **** shouldn’t happen and something needs to change! Maybe you should thank the cement mill for the other 360+ days they pay to keep the water flowing!!
Sounds nice but his entire premise is flawed.
And Why does a foreign country own that American business? Whom were the politicians that were in on that deal.

I was actually allergic to breast milk and maybe that is why I'm confused.

In support of Greg's argument I'd rather have all the pollution of the 60's back than to keep giving all of our manufacturing to other countries just so we could say how we cleaned up our environment.

Anyone speak Chinese?

I saw this creek run dry here many times in my adult life and it does always come back nicely.........but hole moly maestro! Fix it.........
If he is going to educate us maybe he can work on his sentence structure and give us some context for his rant. What does the relocation of the road have to do with anything? Why did DEP deny diesel backup?
Greg's comments are "shocking"...

Sorry, couldn't resist... ;-)

The road relocation issue is true, but the reason the road was relocated was to replace the bridge and reason the bridge was replaced was because of the sinkholes, and the reason there is a sinkhole problem is because of the groundwater issues associated with the quarry...

While quarries create employment, they are bad neighbors and cause problems everywhere they are close to creeks and/homes.
Bamboozle is dead on. Quarries create a lot of jobs and cause a lot of environmental problems, most notably sinkholes, well failures and springs going dry. Essentially a limestone quarry digs up and removes the limestone layer of the earth's crust -- the aquifer -- that had been the geological basis for the limestone springs that we all like so much. It's a trade-off. The Italian owned firm (not Chinese) that owns Hercules is Buzzi Unicem. Resource extraction companies (coal, oil, gold, lead, bauxite etc.) are pretty much all massive multi-nationals -- the faceless, nameless corporation that owns everything. As was also raised in this thread, they tend to regard paying fines as a cost of doing business (I agree with the idea of fining the individuals rather than the company, but the lobbying abilities of these firms will never allow that to happen). Unfortunately, because they have so much money and influence, one of the only ways to make any headway with them is to make nice with the local plant manager. Down in Havre de Grace, Md. the town had some success in coordinating with the gravel quarry along the Susquehanna river to deal with dump truck traffic and blasting, both of which were affecting a large neighborhood in the town. The site manager was also a member of the larger community (as are all the employees) and they're generally amenable to doing what they can to make nice with their neighbors. Going in and threatening lawsuits and government crackdowns is a threat to their livelihoods. Accommodating neighbors and friends is generally something we all want to do. If there was a problem with Pa. not allowing a backup generator (which sounds like a bunch of made-up bs to me, but it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong), a little bit of community (registered voter) involvement could have nudged the state in the right direction and a generator would have been in place.

The unfortunate reality is, once Hercules shuts down, the creek is finished. The creek relies on pumped water. Once the company is gone and the pumping stops, the quarry will fill up and warm surface water will be what ends up in the creek.

My fear for years is for a similar fate at the Letort because that quarry is also removing aquifer.

John Prine explained it much more eloquently, albeit from the perspective of coal mining:

Then the coal company came with the world's largest shovel
And they tortured the timber and stripped all the land
Well, they dug for their coal 'til the land was forsaken
Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man

And daddy, won't you take me back to Muhlenberg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry, my son, but you're too late in asking
Mister Peabody's coal train has hauled it away
I'm Professional Electrical Engineer.

There are a myriad of technical solutions to this problem.

They all cost money. Until the fines and penalties for these non-permitted excursions exceed the cost of lines, transformers and switchgear nothing will change.

That is the nature of capitalism. And it's a dirty shame.

Yeah, sometimes the truth is hard to hear. But it's the truth...