Building a rod this winter

hey keith if it's not too late, i did find this little guy on ebay.



and cheap lines are every where...

but $110 for a life time warranty rod and then you could get a hold of ryflyguy(risen fly) and get a cheap line from him that's comparable to the one you have and for $50 more, you learn how to build your own rod, can say you built it, and it really is a cool feeling, i'll even send you some epoxy for it if you decide to.
Thanks, DJ. The Three Forks combo is more affordable and complete. I would like to build my own 3 weight, but I'll have to wait on it.
sorry i've been hit by a train with the whole building rod thing. might be a better plan, with the whole buying one out right. building them gets you excellent quality at a great price, but comes with a HUGE ADDICTION! :lol:
Addiction is not the problem. Economy is. I have built in the past, but I had more disposable income then (read no kids, no mortgage, 2 full-time incomes). Both rods turned out really well. My B.I.L still uses the rod I built for him exclusively after 25 years.
I can get right on the water less expensively with the Cabela's combo. Granted it won't be as satisfying as my own build, but bucks are tight.
yeah i hear ya, i'm having an old toy holocaust... that's funding all my goodies... got lucky and just upgraded phones, so the old iphone jut got me $200, and i have the lightest bindings ever produced for last year listed on ebay now... between how far in to rod building i am and the aspect that my favorite place to snowboard burnt to the ground 2 years ago, i'll prob just hike and maybe get a few free lift tickets... but there is talk of Jackson Hole this year, and that might eat up some tax return...