Bugs on Hammer

To followup on afish's post, here's your typical size 14ish cahill from a Berk's Cty freestoner in mid-June a few years back.

If we knew number of tails, it would sort this thing out. Yellow Drake = 3 tails. Any of the wide number of cahill possibilities = 2 tails.

For me it was the horseshoe shaped markings on the end of the abdomen segments that threw it into the Drake box. Cahills don't have them to my knowledge. also Pat look at the head size and stoutness of the Cahill you posted compares to OP (or Afish posts) mayfly.

I wouldn't hang onto that comparison very long. It seems obvious to me.

My money is on the resident Entomologists opinion.
Very interesting exchange.
I would suggest that you sign onto the Troutnut Forum http://www.troutnut.com/register

and submit your photos to the "Get Bugs Identified" sub-forum.


No more guesses by amateur (pseudo?) entomologists.
Answers by real ones - like crepuscular.

Crep - offers scientific data supporting identification

Chaz - "you're wrong"

I went to high school with crep, known him since 1980-ish. He knows his stuff and does it for a profession. Chance he's correct...nearly 100%. Chance Chaz will correct him but still be wrong....also nearly 100%

Chaz...is just Chaz. Which reminds me, what ever happened to helpful chaz?

I trust crepuscular on this. Maybe I will try the troutnut forum in the future for bug ID.

Shoulda just emailed Hoover and been done with it. I don't mean that as a knock on this forum but a LOT of people said Cahill, and that's wrong.
Sarce wrote: "Chaz...is just Chaz. Which reminds me, what ever happened to helpful chaz?"

He got lost in a thunderstorm.

(The opportunity there was just too good to pass up.)

Hammer creeks water quality is a lot better than most streams. I too have seen these flies and yes the are big. I've never caught one but always assumed them to be a yellow drake. I've never seen fish able numbers of them though...