Bugs for Beginners: April 6 Online Presentation



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Are you trying to make sense of the hatches, flies, and trout? Join Dave Kile as he provides an overview of the most common mayfly insects that trout feed on and their lifecycles. He will offer up an explanation about how and when these insect hatches occur in the Pennsylvania region. The presentation will cover how to "Match the Hatch" and help you improve your fly fishing experience.

So grab a beverage, kick back and enjoy a fun presentation on Tuesday, April 6, 2021, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.

Topics will include:
Overview of trout food
The lifecycle of mayflies
The seasonal hatches
Matching the hatch
Top ten flies to keep in your box
Your questions and answers

Dave has been fly fishing for almost 40 years across the Pennsylvania region. He is the founder of Paflyfish, a 25-year-old online community of fly fishing anglers in Pennsylvania. Dave creates articles, videos, and content that helps anglers enhance their fly fishing experiences.

Registration is required so sign up today - https://bit.ly/2O4Nxhp

A reminder about tonight's presentation for anglers looking to get started with Mayflies.
Dave, are you going to post the recording of these podcasts? Some of us can only watch on our own time. Thanks in advance.
Jack I am. I plan on getting this out today. I got sidetracked on a several day fishing trip. I will repost it here shortly.
Watched the video last night because I was fishing during the live stream. Gotta say I wish I had seen this years ago, and still learned a lot. What an awesome resource. Thanks a ton for making it.
Thanks Dave. Nice presentation.
Thanks for the presentation Dave. Very informative.

I had to watch later in the month due to family issues.
