Buffett...how bad could it be?



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Greensburg, PA
Anyone read "A Salty Piece of Land by Jimmy Buffet yet? I was thinking of picking it up to take on vacation. Then I remembered I'm either fishing or eating or drinking when I'm not sleeping so I thought I might just get it now. It's kind of a long read for my short attention span so i was wondering if anyone else had partaken yet.
I read it last year. Have you heard anything about the book? It is probably 20% flyfishing. The names are a little strange, but hey Buffet is rich and I am poor....who am I to criticize.

Its kind of a cross between Legends of the Fall and Weekend at Bernies. Be that as it may.

I am a huge Buffett fan, so i am probably a little biased towards it.
I heard it was kind of a mystery/spy thing...with flyfishing mixed in. One of those books where there are so many characters that you have to keep reading or you lose track. Its supposed to be set in the Bahamas or there abouts...he's a retired secret something...is that accurate? Thought it might come in handy at camp and the beach.
If you want a good read, pick up anything by Christopher Moore. He is a whacko like Buffett. That's to say a very similar sense of humor. There's no fishing at all in his books, but you won't put them down. And people around you will wonder why you are are snorting and twitching as you turn the pages.

I read The Stupidest Angel years ago. I still get an evil grin when I hear the line "Oh. this is so akward! Both my exes are here!" (Which isn't often, admittedly)

PS: My sister in law bought me the Stupidest Angel for Christmas, a while back. She's pretty warped herself.
the book is about an ex-cowboy running from the law who leaves the country with his horse and fly rod. He finds himself living on the lam as a flats fishing guide for "the lost boys" company.

"I sadled up my sea horse, with my fly rod in my hand. Not looking for adventure, just a salty piece of land"

Precisely my plan for when it all goes south.
Believe it or not that actually sounds better than the rehashed spy novel version someone told me...thanks