Brownie Twins.... almost



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
Good day folks. I fished for about 2 hours today and it was just stupid easy. I drifted one sulphur nymph, one bb split shot, and one poly yarn bobber and cleaned up pretty good. I caught no small fish but nothing overly huge either. But all fish were quality. Below are my two best fish from the day. Later when I looked at the quick pics I had to wonder if it was the same fish....I don't think it was and my buddy HopBack said it wasn't, but man, it had me curious. Sparse spot patterns, ate the same nymph from the same riffle about an hour apart, and roughly the same dang size. It was a good day, though.

I generally don't see browns with such sparse spots where I was fishing.
PXL 20230513 194929110
PXL 20230513 191655646
Dear jifigz,

Both fish are nice and may be cousins but they aren't the same fish. See the spots right near the pectoral fin. On fish one they are offset on fish 2 they are parallel to each other. The spots behind the blue dot on the cheek don't match up either.


Tim Murphy :)
Dear jifigz,

Both fish are nice and may be cousins but they aren't the same fish. See the spots right near the pectoral fin. On fish one they are offset on fish 2 they are parallel to each other. The spots behind the blue dot on the cheek don't match up either.


Tim Murphy :)
I do know it is not the same fish, but I had to do a double take on the pics after I landed the second one.

But they are very similar and, as I said, I don't see many sparse spot patterns from this Creek.
Nice fish man, I would be happy with either of them!
Theres a stream in sc pa class a wild brown..i fish alot. Thetes a section where they all for the most part look similar with sparse spotting and distinct jaw features. From 10 inchers to 16 i be willing to bet they have shared genetics from a super isolated spawning population. Jus my guess???
Virtually all trout streams are a pretty isolated spawning population.

Both gorgeous wild browns, but not the same fish nor all that unusual of a spot pattern and coloration.
Virtually all trout streams are a pretty isolated spawning population.

Both gorgeous wild browns, but not the same fish nor all that unusual of a spot pattern and coloration.
For the stream I was fishing it is a very unusual spot pattern.
For the stream I was fishing it is a very unusual spot pattern.
The only way I can know that for sure is if you tell me where it was, right down to the run you were fishing!

The only way I can know that for sure is if you tell me where it was, right down to the run you were fishing!

Penns Creek. Rainbow Riffle. Right behind that one rock. You know the one....

I actually don't know where Rainbow riffle is....Someone wanna enlighten me? I only fish Penns like 2-3 times a year and it is so close by.
I do know it is not the same fish, but I had to do a double take on the pics after I landed the second one.
There are obvious spot differences with those two browns. Don't know why they're telling you what you already know. :)
Penns Creek. Rainbow Riffle. Right behind that one rock. You know the one....

I actually don't know where Rainbow riffle is....Someone wanna enlighten me? I only fish Penns like 2-3 times a year and it is so close by.
The riff below Clay Bank..
Different spotting patterns
Beautiful coloration on both fish. Great spot pattern.