Brookies in Berks--a little help?



Sep 4, 2009
Hi all,
It's been a while--I miss this board, and trout. I moved southerly a few years ago and have had to make due with smallies. But I'm back for an extended vacation (someone's getting married and someone is having a baby, so we're bouncing around PA). I've hit the Cumberland Valley pretty hard. Plenty of browns and bows out of Letort, the Breaches, and Big Spring. But I'm missing the freestone brookies. Next stop is Berks co for a few days. I could hit the Tully, but if I can I'd like to find some good brook trout water and give the 3wt some exercise. Can anyone help (perhaps over PM)? I have the Class A list of course, but some brookie water is better than others, and class A designation is not always an indication of classic heritage freestone fishing. Anyone feeling generous enough to point me in the right direction? Or, alternatively, can I run my plans by you and you tell me if I'm wasting my time?

Great to be back here posting. Will upload some Letort pics soon (finally landed on on the flat water by Bonnybrook Road).
You should have hit up pine furnace or Michaux state forest when you were in the Cumberland valley. That's about as classic as you get for brook trout fishing. I'm sure others will help out with Berks county.
If you're looking for brookie streams you'd do well looking for them anywhere along Blue Mountain(Kittatinny Ridge). You can also find brookie streams along the ridge called locally South Mountain, the real name of which is the Reading Prong, which is an extension of the New England Formation. It is the last ridge along the Piedmont Plateau before the Ridge and Valley Province.
Many of the streams along Blue Mt. are more fertile than the streams along South Mt. The Blue Mt. streams also hold their flows better during the summer, not that it means much now, because we've had a wet year so far. But overall they are better fishing streams because of the flows any time.
Wonderful, thanks all. Fingers crossed I can get away for a bit. Will post a follow up if I manage to do so. It's been a fun trip so far, capped off CV with a big palimino (post TK). Just couldn't find a brookie on big spring