Brookie, Stockie or Wildie?

Sorry bad.
I sure as Hell Hope it was, and i do mean WAS a stockie!!
Because almost sure as hell is DEAD now after it was laid in that dry grass while the pic was taken.
Even if it was released.
I have stated my concerns on this sublject in the past.
If you intend to release after a Pic you need to keep the fish in the water as much as possible. if in your hand ,your hand should be WET.
But if you have intentions of releasing a fish after laying it in the dry grass or on a rock to take a pic BEFORE you release it , you might just as well take the pic while it is cooking in frying pan!

Don't get your panties in a one here even caught the fish..Someone found a pic on another message board. Go there an have your fit. Besides...while I would not recommend laying any fish on dry ground they are more resilient than you think.
Dude, you are over-reacting and don't give much credit to the fish. If you ever witnessed a stream survey you can see how resilient trout are. It is a STOCKED FISH; they are supposed to be harvested. Anyone practicing C & R on a stocked stream is doing so for reasons other than conservation.
It was caught in October not July. I've been criticized for photos in the past and I’m very careful about how I handle fish during a photo opportunity and how I compose a photo to get the best shot. Sometimes I lay a fish down and take the photo and release in a few seconds, sometimes it takes longer. The bottom line is they get released and don’t get handled to much.