Broken Fly Rod Question



New member
Aug 31, 2012

First real post...
Ive been lurking around for a while reading many of the topics and learning a lot as a newbie.... but a problem has arisen.

I broke my Redington pursuit 4 weight 4 pc while fishing... not sure how it happened but it did. It broke about 3-4 inches from the tip. The rod has a lifetime warranty, but their is a 30 dollar fee plus the cost of shipping to WA. All told it would cost be almost half of what a new pursuit runs for. Are their any other options for fixing/replacing the rod? Is it possible just to buy the top section of the rod and replace it?

I am a graduate student with no money... and really have no buisness even fly fishing as its too expensive.... but now i am addicted and rodless!

Sure - it will change the action of a rod a tiny bit, seeing as you've shed 3-4 inches, but you can just buy a tip-top and epoxy it on. Just size the diameter of the rod to the tip top.

Fly rod tip tops link. Of course, until you buy the tip top and epoxy and get it shipped, you'll have laid out a portion of the cost to have it repaired. With any luck, you can find a local rod builder that can take care of it for you.

Fly fishing need not be any more expensive than the other diversions in life. Being a graduate student, you probably DO need it as a diversion :)
Dave, where did you buy the rod? My brother once lost the tip section of his Reddington rod. He bought it at Gander Mtn. and he went there to see if he could buy the section. They took the rod from him and gave him a new rod............don't know about anywhere else........didn't cost him a cent.......good luck
Hi Dave,
If Biggie's option doesn't work out, I'll second Salmonoid's.

I build all my fly rods so when I break 'em I have to cut 'em up and recycle what I can - usually just the reel seat and guides. Nevertheless, I currently use a 10WT that I accidentally broke a couple inches off the tip. Just glued a new tip-top guide and it casts fine - I can't tell the difference (although it should be pointed out that I'm not a rod connoisseur). In your case, it seems you broke off a bit more. The rod may feel a bit different and may not cast quite as nicely but for a tight budget it should continue to cast adequately.
When my tip broke, I took the tip off of the broken section, put it on the rod and used a pair of pliers to secure it. I didn't pinch it, just LIGHTLY snugged it to the rod. I've been using it this way for almost 5 months with no issues. This is NOT the best way to fix a rod, but it may be a temporary solution for you. I'm sure others will back me up in saying this is in no way, shape, or form advisable. If your budget is anywhere near mine, it might be a "have to" type situation. Even I advise against using this method, but I had zero funds to work with at the time, and it's been working, and I haven't even thought about fixing it the proper way until I read this thread.
Thanks for the info everyone,
I bought the rod from they are based out of Ohio. Looking at their warranty page it seems like i have to go through Redington. I will call though and see... worth a try.

If this doesn't work i will try your fix salmanoid.
Try steaming the tip top off the broken piece yourself if you want to self repair. There's a chance all you'll have to buy is some epoxy.
Forget steaming. The tip is already broken so use a bic lighter to heat up the tip top. You will see the epoxy melt and when that happens pull it off with pliers. If your quick, you can slide it on what is left of your rod while the epoxy is still liquid. Just be careful it is on straight. The epoxy will dry quickly...
Just fixed the tip on my Renegade for the second time. It is now a 8'3" flyrod. If you go this route you do not want to apply much heat to the rod itself. Heating up the rod to much will make it brittle and thus useless. I use a glue stick designed for fishing rods.

1. Heat up the tip and pull the peices apart.
2. Check to see if the eye tip will fit the main section.
3. If eye tip will fit, you will want to heat up the glue and rub it onto the rod. (you don't need very much glue)
4. heat up glue just a little that is on the rod, and slide the Eye Tip onto it. Check to make sure all eyes line up with each other I have also used shrinktube along with the glue to better secure it.
5. If the eye tip does not fit you will have to purchase one that will.
Good luck.
I'd say $30 and shipping will be less then $50, so I'd send it back, that way you have the samething you bought. Yes you can just get a tip top, but you have to have the end of the rod cut perfectly or be very lucky to simply go that route.
Try going to Gander MT anyway. they may have a Return To Vendor program with Reddington. couldn't hurt to try as long as you answer honestly if they ask where you bought it.