Broke the net curse


Jan 15, 2011
I have only been skunked twice this year, and oddly enough, both skunkings happened while I was wearing a new net my brother got me for christmas. Being the typical superstitious angler I am, I decided the net was to blame and left it in the trunk for the last 12 outings. I went fishing for smallies today and know this particular stream pretty well, so I figured it might be nice to have the net with me for landing fish. Damn it if I didnt go fishless for the first hour and a half over a stretch of stream where I would normally have atleast 5 strikes and a few fish to hand. I really began to think the net had some unnaturally power about it, but I persevered and finally got a take. Look how comfy cozy that smallie looks in the basket.


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Nice fish how big was it what fly did you catch it on
12-13" caught on a size 2 black and white clouser. White and chart was all-time king last summer, but it seems the fish have caught on to my tricks. I havent caught a fish on chartreusse anything this year.