Broke out the rain gear for a good one



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2015
Fished a couple small creeks in Northampton County this morning. I had maybe a dozen fish, but 6 of them were between 15 and 18 or 19 inches. Most, if not all, were in riffles with some cover nearby, czech nymphing some basic patterns, even a pink SJ worm as the dropper for at least one little piggie. Most came on a tungsten pt on a j-hook or a caddis pupa.






Looks like you had a good time. Some of my favorite times to fish are during or right after a good rain.
nomad_archer wrote:
Looks like you had a good time. Some of my favorite times to fish are during or right after a good rain.

Thanks, nomad! That is the reason I was out there yesterday.
No one is jealous of your stocked fish outing!!!!!!!

Ok Iam just a little;-)
Nice fish and it looked like fun.
Nice fish! Glad you had a good outing!!
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
No one is jealous of your stocked fish outing!!!!!!!

Ok Iam just a little;-)
Nice fish and it looked like fun.

That is too funny! I deleted a line from my post asking that no one ruin my moment, please, by saying stockie :p
fritz wrote:
Nice fish! Glad you had a good outing!!

Thanks, fritz.
I would note that probably every stocked trout stream in SE Pa is still supporting good numbers of stocked trout due to the good flows and cool temps.
Nothing like throwing Juans while it's raining, great fish.
I fished the Saucon today. I did quite well using scud patterns. All fish landed were cookie cutter wild browns. I did hook two bigger fish that got off. When I set the hook on the one big fish it felt like I caught bottom. After a second, my line moved to the side and I realized it was a fish. Shortly after that the hook pulled. I never saw the fish, but it felt like a nice one.
Ah my favorite little stream. And people say there arent wild fish in there.

Rainy days have a reputation for fishing well and the weather lately ought to have been good (although, for me, cloudy and rainy days have not fished well lately, for some reason).
Rainy Days,the "secret " to catching big Browns. Nice fish! GG
Nymph-wristed wrote:
fritz wrote:
Nice fish! Glad you had a good outing!!

Thanks, fritz.

Nice looking fish

Mike how about that special Reg. Area in DELCO :hammer:
Thanks, fellas!

fisherboy, I have to tell you the full story about a guy fishing nightcrawlers in there! Thankfully, another fly guy convinced/guilted him into releasing one over 20 that was headed for the smoker! I wrote about it on my Sick Days Fishing blog, but there's more.... You darn out of staters....
Cool! Nice healthy browns!
Been fishing that stream for ten years....out of stater knows it better than you ;)
Jersey guy with crawlers was killing it... Hey, don't forget I am 48, young bull ;)

My favorite times are hard pounding rains and fish big streamers.
That stream when it is off color, but not muddy always accels. You hit it at the right time. It was getting muddy but by the time i got there, it was chocolate milk. Ive never seen it like that. It poured though. The day after heavy rains is usually when we fish it. The big ones come out of hiding in dirty water.