Brigantine 11/09



Aug 28, 2012
I've been at it non-stop since Sandy (I'm an insurance adjuster) so I really want to get a break from all the devastation and do some fishing. I've been all over, from WVA, PA, DE, NJ and NY and have seen the worse so I REALLY want to just chill and try to catch some stripers.

I'm hopeful that I can get away this Friday and am thinking about hitting up Brigantine. I've never fly fished salt water so I'm that much more excited to try to hook into a striper. I am also bringing my kayak to hopefully put in at the Brigantine/AC inlet.

If anyone else needs a break or just wants to get out and fish let me know! I'd really like to fish a more experienced person to up my odds but, at this point just being on the water would be nice change.
Ended up not being able to get out. Just too crazy with work although I can see the ocean today just can't get a line wet.