


Active member
May 24, 2011
Charles Fox: Rising Trout - $5
This wonderful world of trout - $10

George Daniel - Nymph Fishing - $20

John Gierach - Fishing bamboo - $18

Harry Murray - Fly fishing for smallmouth bass - $6

Victor Johnson - Fiberglass Fly rods, 20th Anniversary ed., signed by author - $40

The Pat McManus and Bill Heavy books - $2 each

Price for pickup. I will be fishing central PA a few times in the next month so could meet there. PM me with any questions or for potential shipping. Thanks


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Those Charlie Fox books are PA treasures! Especially "This Wonderful World of Trout" I have a signed first edition and also a more beat up copy that I bought for $.25 at a flea market 40+ years ago as an 8-9yr old kid. The pictures and stories literally sparked my interest in fly fishing.
The stories of Ed Koch's big trout on a hopper, and also the state record out of Big Spring. Such a good book!
I begged for a fly rod for Christmas that year and my dad pulled a "Christmas Story" and hid a martin fiberglass combo for me to find and open last.
The Ned Smith pen and ink drawings throughout the book are amazing....if anyone likes Ned Smith artwork, buy that book!
2 bucks for those Pat McManus books is an insult to the genius fine literary writing contained therein. Those tomes will go down in the literary annals with the best of them.
Guys who like to read: You ought to get the Fox books and the McManus books ASAP. You'll be glad you did.
Is “This Wonderful World of Trout” already spoken for(
Years ago Pat wrote a short story for i believe Field and Stream perhaps Outdoor Life about how to hunt crows. In a nutshell there was one wily crow he could not shoot. Pat was always on the opposite side of field from the bird except when he didnt have his shot gun. The bird would play cat and mouse with him and he could never be on the same side as the bird with shotgun in hand

He devised the following plan: he got a few of his buddies and they plaid musical chairs between two hedge rows with shotguns and hunters in an effort to confuse the crow. 2 guys would cross the field with 2 guns then one would return with a gun, then the the other would cross without guns etc. The shell game with hunters, shotguns and bird flipping sides of the field went on for a few iterations until eventually they confused the bird enough that a lone hunter was on the same side of the field with shotgun in hand to shoot the crow.

The story was hilarious and written in classic McManus' comedic style. From then on ive been a fan.
Ill take the 2 mcmanus books if not spoken for. PM me with payment details.
Years ago Pat wrote a short story for i believe Field and Stream perhaps Outdoor Life about how to hunt crows. In a nutshell there was one wily crow he could not shoot. Pat was always on the opposite side of field from the bird except when he didnt have his shot gun. The bird would play cat and mouse with him and he could never be on the same side as the bird with shotgun in hand

He devised the following plan: he got a few of his buddies and they plaid musical chairs between two hedge rows with shotguns and hunters in an effort to confuse the crow. 2 guys would cross the field with 2 guns then one would return with a gun, then the the other would cross without guns etc. The shell game with hunters, shotguns and bird flipping sides of the field went on for a few iterations until eventually they confused the bird enough that a lone hunter was on the same side of the field with shotgun in hand to shoot the crow.

The story was hilarious and written in classic McManus' comedic style. From then on ive been a fan.
While this isn't a fishing related book, I'm trying to find out what this classic deer hunting book might be worth. It's a rare original, signed by Larry Benoit, 1974 copy of How To Bag The Biggest Buck Of Your Life. Any help would be appreciated.

The copys I've been able to find are newer reprints and not signed original books.


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The George Daniel book is sold - thanks.
As an 8 year old kid in 1980 these 5 images from "This Wonderful World of Trout" fueled the fire for fly fishing! (You can even see my grubby kid thumb print on the Ed Koch picture from looking at it so much.....probably over a bowl of chocolate ice cream 😁)
As a kid with a fishing bug, but parents that didn't fish , this single $.25 Charlie Fox book took me on the path to my first fly rod at age 9 and all the way to a fly fishing guiding career and some of the best fly fishing waters in the west and a life long love for Ned Smith artwork.
I was totally captivated by it.
Every PA fly fisherman should have a copy of this book.
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While this isn't a fishing related book, I'm trying to find out what this classic deer hunting book might be worth. It's a rare original, signed by Larry Benoit, 1974 copy of How To Bag The Biggest Buck Of Your Life. Any help would be appreciated.

The copys I've been able to find are newer reprints and not signed original books.
My appologies, I should have started my own thread for this.
Ed Koch handled that nine pounder on midge tackle. Quite a feat. Looks like a Hardy Princess and maybe an Orvis Flea bamboo.

Don Martin apparently used a battered old Pflueger Medalist and a nine foot rod. Looks like a bamboo rod also.

Marinaro got me hooked.