


Active member
Apr 1, 2009
Does anyone besides me still get a kick out of em? If you have a youngster who shows an interest in fly fishing there is no better way to get them going in the right direction than a pond full of willing bluegills and a few dry flies.
Love bluegills. My favorite gill pond is also trout lake so I can't get anywhere near it right now.
i sometimes prefer bluegills to any other fish.throw sunnies and smallies together and you have a lot of fun,rather than the seriousness of trout fishing.
I won't deny it, they're the most fun you can have because they're so very easy.

Matter of fact, I think I need time back at the 'gill pond to practice as I don't seem to be able to set a hook worth a damn anymore.
I like 'em too. Since I prefer to fish creeks and rivers rather than ponds/lakes, I usually target red breast sunnies and rock bass as they're more prevalent in streams. I did get a huge bluegill a couple years ago in a creek and wish I got a pic of him as he was probably about 10."
I giggle like a little kid every time a 'gill smacks one of my top water offerings. I started tying and fishing the Bully Spider last spring for sub-surface fishing and if tied right, it decends on a 45 degree angle and for some reason the pan fish can't resist it and slam it pretty hard. I got my PB 'gill on that fly last year and wish I had taken some pictures. It's a fun alternative to to trout fishing especially in the early spring when you might find your the only one fishing the pond.

Yes! They're great fun and a fair fight on a 4-5 weight if they're good size. The local state park has a pod with 8-10 inchers along with small bass. I prefer the gills.

I totally agree about gills being a great teaching aid.

I use a various dries (nothing fancy) and small poppers for them. I also like using a #10 BH Prince Nymph, esp. one with the holographic "wings" (I think it's call "The Fly Formerly Known as Prince"). on that fly I get gills, crappie, pickerel, pumpkinseeds, small bass, you name it!
Big 'gill fan here. I lash a few strands of white marabou to a hook and toss it in the shallows. When it disappears, set the hook.
There's a small pond at Racoon creek state park that I try to go to atleast once a year. If you don't catch 25 gills in 2 hours then something is wrong with you. I also go there to teach new guys how to cast and detect strikes. There's also a private lake I fish every year that has the biggest gills I've ever seen. When one takes a size 6 4xl streamer, you know they're big. I might miss that this year... the event is usually in early July, and the baby is due soon afterwords. Utter disapointment :-(
I love fly fishing for gills. It great way to relax or even introduce someone to flyfishing and have them catch something on a fly rod the first time out. Too many favorite flies, rods and favorite ways to catch 'um on to name, but hey are extreme fun with not much work.

my favorite summer evenings are spent floating around moraine state park in my canoe casting poppers to gills and watching the ospreys. and that time will be here SOON!!
I had "THE FEELING" someone was watching me and here i thought it was the government , or one of their agencies , but hey , just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching , to quote someone i can't name , Bluegills saved my fishing life , i might have given it up after my accident if it wasn't for my buddy takin me to a bluegill lake "THE QUE" a ton of em on a black ant and i knew i'd do this again. As for a teaching tool , rod control casting ability , fighting and releaseing fish all comes easy to a kid IF they are catching fish , they don't have to be huge or trout for that matter , if you ease a kid into fly fishing by starting with bluegills you'll not go wrong.
First fly i ever tied and took it right to a pond and caught a bluegill on top on the first cast , and here i thought the bluegill was the one that was HOOKED!!!
Well, I'll admit that I enjoy fishing for all panfish...but then again I'm the kind of person that will throw a fly to anything that swims (including bullfrogs and snapping turtles...).

In fact, I've actually fished for them over trout when I find them in a trout stream in the summer... I know, that's blasphemy, but when the pressured trout ignore everything you throw at them, tell me you wouldn't cast across the pool and target the bluegills.
I think fishing bluegills is like being in a batting cage. Great for all ages! I love it, no matter how much I like to dedicate myself to some kind of perfection in fly fishing for trout, sometimes it's just fun to catch fish. I have no less or greater appreciation for either species. In fact the bullheads should be biting soon. :-D
my favorite bluegill pond just had a nice hatch of some BWO-type mayflies (don't know exact names, I'm no entomologist), but I can tell you, casting a size 16 BWO parachute to rising bluegill is a hell of a lot more fun way to work on casting accuracy than casting a piece of yarn to a paper plate. plus, you can't argue with 52 fish in just over two and a half hours...
There is nothing that fights like a bluegill and for eating they are tops. I saw this post earlier and decided today that i was in the mood for some panfried bluegils so off i went to presque isle and caught a dozen, that means tommorrow fish dinner. I tyed up some lighting bugs and they are awesome for panfish. I found the pattern on tri-county fly fishers its a club in central florida and the lighting bug is Ed Russell creation
I took my my little brother fishing at the 'gill pond in Raccoon creek state park a few years ago and and in a couple of hours we had over 30 of them landed. It peaked his interest now I'm trying to hook him a little more. We caught them all on a carpenter ant pattern. They crushed it as soon as it hit the water every time.
Count me in. My choice of fly is whatever I have tied on at the moment :lol: They'll eat anything, or at least try to. Last Thurs. while fishing for bass, I had one hit a 1/0 floating minnow, twice. The second time he hooked himself in the gill plate. He measured a whole 3". Heck, the fly was bigger than he was.

I sometimes carry a 3wt rod with me when fishing in the kayak just for panfish. When the bass are moody and the carp are spooky, 'gills will be gracious enough to show me a fun time.

Here's a pumpkinseed from last summer


peace-tony c.