Bluegill Therapy



Jul 15, 2015

After a great week of Mothers day events and enjoying my 6 month old Granddaughter, I unfortunately had to say goodbye to my daughter and granddaughter this morning. Being no good to anybody, including myself afterwards, I headed for water.

A local lake seemed like the right place. So with my float tube loaded and CGR in hand, I headed for seclusion.

For the full blog and pattern video's, click on the link below:

Never Underestimate the Power of a Bluegill
This is a great time of year for bluegills.

With so many FFers focused on hatches and trout, many overlook the super panfish opportunities at the local lake or farm pond. many big "gills are right along the shoreline, hungry and easy to catch. By summertime, these shoreline areas are often populated by runts as the big fish have usually moved deep.
Bluegill are definitely one of my favorite fish. Good job. I love when those big gills are on the shore before they head off for their summer time haunts. CGR is a great rod too. Nice job.
After 35 years of fly fishing , averaging about 100 days a year of fishing, fished in 12 different states for who knows how many different species I still enjoy fishing for bluegills the most. Love all the action and all the fight. Also they are dam tasty cooked over A fire with butter and onions. YUM
Agreed. Nothing beats an evening after work tossing small poppers to hungry bluegills.