


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
While there were plenty of blues at the beach today, it was nothing like this video. I'll post a report tomorrow.
looks like I.B.S.P.
Heres one from lavalette, peanuts on the beach

Great motivation for the upcoming weeks!

Steelhead you say? Never heard of 'em. :)

While it's rare, at least in my experience, to see a blitz like this, when you will haunt your dreams.

The force of nature.
Insane. Looks like that boat wanted in on some of the action!
wgmiller wrote:
Insane. Looks like that boat wanted in on some of the action!

No doubt. Often it's the other way around - the beach guys watch as a blitz comes off too far out to cast and boats slay 'em. It appears to be low tide and the boater would be wise to keep his distance, esp if the tide is still going out. I've seen more than one fisherman run his boat aground trying to get too close to the shoreline.
There's also something of an unwritten rule that when fish crash the beach they belong to the beach fishermen. While folks in NJ are a bit more laid back, out at Montauk surf fishermen will brush back boaters by casting big plugs with treble hooks at 'em combined with a barrage of creative language delivered with a Brooklyn accent. Combat fishing.
It's commonplace to see these types of blitzes within 3 miles of shore all fall long, but I have never seen one against the beach. We fish via boat over striper blitzes and combination bluefish and striper blitzes like this throughout late October and November with spinning and casting gear. A few guys use fly rods, but getting close enough for a fly rodder in a timely manner and not ruining the fishing for all of the other boats can be problematic for a number of reasons.
Mike wrote:
It's commonplace to see these types of blitzes within 3 miles of shore all fall long, but I have never seen one against the beach. We fish via boat over striper blitzes and combination bluefish and striper blitzes like this throughout late October and November with spinning and casting gear. A few guys use fly rods, but getting close enough for a fly rodder in a timely manner and not ruining the fishing for all of the other boats can be problematic for a number of reasons.

Not unless you have a good caster on the boat Mike :-D
Things are goin full bore at the shore this week - definitely the fall run is on!

Here's some fun pics and videos:
I'm heading out tomorrow Dave
Oh, I miss having a case of the Blues! Bring back some pics, Fredrick!!!!
Sorry David no blues but I did get 6 of these guys at the Hook a couple of them I had to put on my reel and they took out some drag :-D but none of them made it to the backing .
congrats & nice job! good to see you got into them. Blitzing on the beach?
No blitzing just catching them normally off the beach

How long did it take to reel that guy in? How far out was he- crashing surf or a little further out?
I was fishing a deep beach and they were right out past the breakers about 50" off the beach
You earned your stripes! Great job Fred.


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man oh man do I wish I lived just a little bit closer to the coast!