Bluefish fly



New member
Sep 7, 2016
Started throwing flies this year for bluefish whether chumming for them off shore or around the bay in my uncles boat. Had decent success on the fly but kept running into the issue with them only hitting the back of the fly. Was curious if you guys had an suggestions about how I should tie some flies for them. Whether using a stinger hook or maybe articulated. Open for all suggestions. Thanks again.
TJ, were they small blues? I have caught tons of blues on flys. Large fish will usually just engulf a deceiver type fly. I Tie them with the tail being 2 to 2 1/2 times the length of the hook shank. Smaller fish try a clouser style.

Yes, they were the snapper blues. Okay thank you very much. Will keep that in mind next time I'm tying. Need to bring some scissors on the boat next time so I can tweak the length
TJacob44 wrote:
Had decent success on the fly but kept running into the issue with them only hitting the back of the fly.

This is very common.

I tie all my bluefish flies with a single, sturdy, barbless hook near the rear of the fly with a wire thru-body. Steel shanks, I would think, would work well too.
Yeah same issue I used to run into when I would throw bunker at them. Eat half the bait. So frustrating. But thank you. Figured a stinger hook would be efficient in the back end or as posted above smaller flies. Thank you
blue fish are a hit and run type of fish. they won't stop to eat a whole fish, just grab and go.