Blood knot hack

Saw this tonight surfing some you tube shorts. I like it.

I could be wrong, but I believe this is a dropper loop knot. I use this alot with 20lb test etc. especially if catfishing and get a knot. Can be back to fishing in 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes to rerig everything. Works great, but the diameter of the two lines used needs to be pretty close to each other to prevent slippage. Also I’ve had problems if both lines are not the same material. ie. Doesn’t work the greatest with braid to mono , mono to flouro. etc. Still a neat and useful trick! but will have a lower breaking strength than a traditional blood knot. Quite a bit of friction burn on tightening, need to spit it up good.just my two cents. Thanks for sharing!
I really can't figure out what he's doing in the second half of the knot. Is there another video? I might be interested in this knot.
I’m thinking he is wrapping the two line’s into a twist, then putting the connection back through a gap in the middle of the 8-10 twists, ideally 4-5 twists on each side of the gap.
Yep that's what he is doing and it only takes 4 or 5 turns. It is a blood knot.
I have a quicker blood knot that's never failed me and I've used it for over 30 years. I'm not sure I can make this clear, but here goes. Overlap the 2 pieces of tippet. Take one end and wrap it 10 times over the other. Split it in the middle to make a little opening. Put one end through the opening and then the other end through opening, wet and pull tight those ends and tightening the knot. Make sure to wet it before you tighten. It's very easy. I'm probably confusing you.
Just build some tapered leaders already! After tying the half-dozen or so blood knots for each leader, you'll know what you're doing. The knot described in this video (and other videos) will look like a blood knot and may even have a greater break strength, but it isn't a blood knot unless the tags enter the gap in opposite directions. With enough practice, it isn't all that troublesome to tie a blood knot on 4x or larger. If I'm retipping with smaller stuff on the creek, I'll use a double surgeon's knot anyway.
What do you guys think of the nail knot splice tied using the Tie-Fast knot tool? I've used this tool and knot recently to make some Harvey-style leaders that call for several blood knots per leader. I'm not sure if it saves time or works as well, but once I learned to use this tool (it's simple), it was easy to replicate consistent knots without any bad ones slowing things downs.

The tool ties super-easy nail knots, too.

You can see the splice technique at about 6:34 into this video:
I’ve used this knot for a decade. Here is another video showing how to tie the “speed blood knot.” I call it a blood knot. I don’t care if both end come out on the same side of the knot, I still call it a blood knot. It has never failed me and it’s way easier to tie than any blood knot method out there. Tying the overhand knot in the beginning simply controlls the tag ends during the knot tying.

I can tie blood knots pretty quickly regardless of diameter size, probably in the dark if i had to. Same with cinch, same with perfection loop (which i hardly use anymore), same with nail knot, non slip loop, etc. Bimini twist takes me a while. I don't really think about it I just tie it. I never use the surgeons knot so that would take me longer than a blood knot. Once you tie enough of any knot it gets easy and fast.

At this point I would be way slower trying this or any other "hack".
My way is much quicker.