Black Creek near Hazelton



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Wow, never seen anything quite like this!

Link to story:

I saw something similar on Pine below Waterville several years back. Surfactant from our environmentally responsible gas drillers. I'm surprised there aren't more incidents.
Until years ago I lived next to that creek. This has been going on for years and even though people knew it was coming from the Dial plant (now Henkle_ ) nothing was ever done. My family there says this is the worst they ever saw with it . How so many people knew where it was coming from and nothing was ever done is amazing. Like A lot of the residents always said, corporate corruption at its finest, and as for myself you will never convince me there was no bribery involved.
Any followup on this story as to the cause?

I have not heard much on this lately. I moved out of the area 2 years ago but have A lot of family there yet. From what they have told me is that this is just like all the other times. People in the area have actually been able to follow the problem back to A discharge pipe in the valmont industrial park to the Dial plant. But even though this was the worst ever it seems no government officials can seems to find the problem or confirm it. This has been going on for 15 to 20 years and nothing ever has been done , and the way it looks probably never will be fixed. Big corporation and big money win again. What could be A beautiful stream loses again.