Biting Off Tippet

gulfgreyhound wrote:
Best to use nippers.I tend to flatten the mono which makes threading it tough.Clean cut with the nips.The price of old teeth.

+1 with gulfgreyhound. 😛int:
I dont know if I can stop doing it. I use my teeth to hold line when tying knots, bite tippet off, I even bite flies sometimes just to hold em haha. This weekend, it was really cold, and I my wading jacket was up above my mouth, so I used only my hands and nippers...and it took me so much longer ahaha.

I'll have to check my teeth. I didnt think such small line would affect it..
Having grown up with a dentist for a father (and working as his chair-side in the summers) I can confirm that the only thing worse than nipping line is biting down on split shot!
It's really pretty easy to get into the habitat of cutting tippet with nippers and closing split shot with hemostats.

The main thing is to have the tools in easily accessible places.

I found the transition was very easy. Once you get into the new habit, the new "work flow", you don't even think about it, you just automatically reach for the nippers or the hemostats.
sdwaters wrote:
I can confirm that the only thing worse than nipping line is biting down on split shot!

What, really?

This I am guilty of, and I never suspected it to be a problem.. I mean, its soft and all. I figured a bigger issue was the cancer I'd give myself from eating lead (said while he lights a pipe).

Guess I'll have to stop. Can I continue to strip wire with my teeth though? No? Oh... 😉
Yeah my uncle chipped his tooth on a splitshot this weekend lol...

But do you really think the lead is a threat? Cause I wont ever be able to use hemostats for that...unless it really is a threat, but people have been doing it for YEARS right?

Someone make me feel better haha
Lead is undeniably a carcinogen.

Decide on how important that is to you, and if that amount of intake concerns you or not. It does me every single time I chomp down on one, but I still do it anyways.
gfen, that's funny because I think about it everytime too, but still do it. I always make sure I spit afterwards. I'm guessing it doesn't do anything, but eases my mind for the time being.
Yeah I spit after I bite split-shot too. I have the kind that is painted green so maybe the paint keeps it from killing me quicker. Lolol
I think the green ones are lead-free.
Here's what Wikepedia says.

"Lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive and nervous systems. It interferes with the development of the nervous system and is therefore particularly toxic to children, causing potentially permanent learning and behavior disorders. Symptoms include abdominal pain, headache, anemia, irritability, and in severe cases seizures, coma, and death."
MKern wrote:
I think the green ones are lead-free.

WOO! Thats what I thought but I didnt check the label.

And troutbert...those symptoms made me laugh. Headache/papercut/spontaneous combustion/death.
troutbert wrote:
Here's what Wikepedia says.

" It interferes with the development of the nervous system and is therefore particularly toxic to children, causing potentially permanent learning and behavior disorders. "

Sweet now iv got an excuse for less than perfect grades!!! :-D