Biting Off Tippet



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
Many flyfishers, me included, got into the habit of biting off tippet material. My tip is: Don't Do It!

I developed wear and chipping on my left front tooth, the one I used for biting off tippet. I'm not sure that it's related, but I think there is a good chance that it is.

If you develop problems on the lower, biting edge of your front teeth, it's a difficult repair. The dentists have trouble getting materials to adhere on that thin biting edge.

So save yourself unpleasant and expensive dental repairs and use your nippers. You can buy nail clippers at the drugstore for $.99.
I've always been jealous of guys who could do this, as I can't. I still happily strip wire with my teeth, though...
I bite line. If I need to cut it close, like tag ends on a blood knot, I use the nippers. But otherwise I use teeth.
I bite tippet and have that notch in my tooth. I'm 26 and have had it for a couple years now.

I actually find it easier to bite tippet now, because it slides into that notch and doesn't get pushed around.

I know I shouldn't doo it, but I'm lazy.

I'm just waiting to get giadarria.
Now that you mentioned it, i just checked my tippet tooth and i have multiple grooves.
Add me to the list, been using my right k-9 tooth since i could hold a rod. Just this past steelhead season I was driving home and was playing with my tooth and felt something weird on it, like I had a piece of tarter. Gave it a yank and would you know it it was a chip in the enamel.. It is pretty damn sharp now and works even better to cut line. :)
I've been using my teeth for 8 lb test & lighter.
I bit off some 2x the other day and i still have a toothache.. hahhaa
I had an infected tooth and root canal bc of tippet. My dentist pulled out a small bit of tippet from my gum line which started the infection. It was great ! I love root canals.
Man , with all the rest of my bad habits i'm glad that wasn't one of them , i always had at least a pocket knife , sharp enough to cut through any mono i needed to , to get up real close like on a blood knot i would lay it down on a log or rock and press down.
The key to being able to use your teeth to bite off tippet without having to worry about dental damage is to keep the biting surfaces exercised and in shape by closing all your split shot with your teeth as well.

Try it. You'll succumb to lead toxicity long before you do any damage to your teeth.....
Once I get around to cutting out HFCS, sun exposure, red meat, driving in the rain, and sitting with bad posture, I'll work on biting my tippet. :)

In other words, it ain't good. Cut it out if you can. It's just not worth it for me at this point.
Bruno wrote:
I had an infected tooth and root canal bc of tippet. My dentist pulled out a small bit of tippet from my gum line which started the infection. It was great ! I love root canals.

Yes, there are always two sides to everything!

The other thing to consider is that if you need to get a crown you will be doing your part to keep the economy going by providing an $800 stimulus to the dental sector.

Also, when that big drill with the sinister low humming sound hits the tooth and the chunks go flying, it's very entertaining.
have any of you biters noticed that if you pull the tippet instead of biting all the way through that it breaks off as if you used nippers ' and doesnt smash the end and makes it easier to thread small flies .:-D
Tried to stop biting tipppet the other day--didn't last long. Guess I'll just have to keep $800 in the kitty.
I recommend for 8 or 10 pound test, you should grind your teeth lightly in a side to side motion, which I find cuts the line easier, and I feel it lessens the chance of chipping when snapping through tough line.

I take no responsibility for dental accidents on account of my post.

And yes I bite tippet, although I try not to go above 6 lbs. I have a chip in my bottom right tooth under my right front tooth, but I think it is due more to my bottom teeth being spaced very tight. I use the other side of that tooth for snipping.
I also bite off tippet. My dentist is a flyfisher and he asked me if I knew what nippers were. I said yes, and he said, you obviously don't use them. I guess I too have grooves in my teeth. Yeah well, I don't see me having any teeth modeling gigs in the future.

I've mostly given up biting, because of front bottom tooth chipping and weakened teeth. (Although I did it twice yesterday - 4X and 5X.)
I've only used my teeth (side molars) to open beer when I was young, strong and dumb. I figure clippers and openers are the refuge of the worn and wise.
There are more reasons than chipped teeth not to bite your tippet. They are called Giardia and Cryptosporidium. They are both parasitic cysts, expelled from muskrat and beavers. You don't want to be licking either off your line or you'll be spending more time in the bushes than fishing.

Yes, I have been known to bite my tippet too, but have really been making a better effort not to. I chipped a front tooth as well.
Best to use nippers.I tend to flatten the mono which makes threading it tough.Clean cut with the nips.The price of old teeth.