


Jul 29, 2009
What's the preference between goose biots and turkey biots, I'm newer to tying and seem to have an easier time tying in turkey. I have white goose biots for wings on prince nymphs and it seems no matter what I do they look like crap.
flynoob wrote:
What's the preference between goose biots and turkey biots, I'm newer to tying and seem to have an easier time tying in turkey. I have white goose biots for wings on prince nymphs and it seems no matter what I do they [color=990000]look like crap[/color].

Please explain I'll take a guess and say the thread band used to tie the white biot down behind the bead is making them look like crap.

If this is so tie off your multiple strands of herl but when you cut them leave 1 or 2 to wrap over the thread base used to tie in the biot wings.

Hope this helps
I have white goose biots for wings on prince nymphs and it seems no matter what I do they look like crap.

Are they splaying outward from the fly? If so, your foundation for the biots is lower then the herl body.
both of those comments do help thank you for your time
Do you tie your biots forward then fold them back? This is a way to build up thread/head.

I personally don't do this, but it's only because I've done so many just pointing them back and securing them.
No I tie them straight back, may try to tie a few flies and post pics to give you all a better idea of what i'm talking about.
Flynoob, Mkern has the answer. Tie the biots facing forward, fold back and wrap again, this is the correct method of tying the Prince Nymph. HTH, Dave
This conversation is a great example of just how valuable this web site is to me. The Prince Nymph is a really popular pattern on not only our Pa. waters but most of the other Eastern Waters that i might get to fish someday. I've been tying since i was a youngster but the Prince was one of those that i tried to master and then just gave up and went on to other things , thinking back on why i gave up is almost a carbon copy of what flynoob says , and if i had MKern and Festus to talk to back then i would have probably been able to get it right eventually , MKerns suggestion of folding the biots and wrapping again i can't wait to try and Festus probably has it even more by saying the "Foundation" for the biots has to be right (the same as most wings on dry flies , you gotta have the base , foundation , right for the fly to be right. GREAT EXCHANGE FOLKS , i'm gonna give it one more try and this time thanks to you folks i bet i get it right , attention to these folks , they know stufffff and they are willing to share. THANKS
absolutely, i didn't bother to post a picture of my mistakes because the comments made solved my problems. Thanks again guys
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