Biot Bodies

HeritageAngler.......I never thought about hemos/forceps , that's why i said hold it up to the light , the grooves in the hemo's give it a great segmented look , gonna try hemos and make some mayfly patterns with a shuck thank you H.A.
Bam.........i must have got my q accross then thanks thats what i wanted to know about wrapping them , nice fly in that picture , the link HA posted is a good one for wrapping them , you did a good job answering without visual aids , i wish i knew how to post pictures and stuff but my instructor/daughter hasn't got me that far yet , i'll get there.
H.A. and Osprey

I was paying attention about the biot as a trailing shuck. That's a new one to me! Off to the bench I go!!!!

As far as explaining how I tie biot H.A. 's link is spot on except the end result is much better than mine!
Last nite and this morning I tied about a dozen size 20 midges with biot bodies on scud hooks. They really look neat with the convex side up. I put flash for a tail on some, different color beads etc. Sure I makes a simple pattern complicated and I have no idea if the fish will even like them but I'm unemployed so what else am I gonna do with my time!
I usually put some floatant on them so they hang in the film a little longer. You don't have to but it doesn't stay afloat as long. The tail is partridge but I am sure anything dun or grey colored would work. The white post makes it really easy to find and follow. 🙂
I use Quill "Z" instead of Biots, a lot easier than the biots. water proof can be colored and is light.


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biots are sorta fragile,,thats another downside to them,,,but they do look great,,one way to help them be a little easier to work with is take a washcloth and damp it place a bunch of biots in there and fold the cloth over on it, they will be a little more plyable, i like Jon Barr's pure midge larva personally. easy to whip through them from a tying standpoint and they are very very durable.
I remember reading about tying with porcupine quills a while back , one of the suggestions to get around the brittleness was to soak the quills in a solution of diluted glycerine , i'll bet the same thing would work on brittle biots , if my brain is workin correctly i read that in an old "herters" catalog.