Well-known member
Native- 7-8 inches.
Stocked 18".
Stocked 18".
Mike, I don't know if this stream is out of your territory/jurisdiction, but maybe you could shed some light on the general "concept" of this move. I'm wondering why they're stocking trout further up in the West Branch of Fishing Creek (Sullivan Co) when there's already a natural reproduction of native/wild trout in the stream? This puzzles me.Mike wrote:
pcray captured the essence of what I was trying to say with respect to wild trout in Pa.
JakesLeakyWaders wrote:
Well, looks like I'll have too join Youtube later this year and make a short movie with me in it and co-starring some of the locals just to quiet all of the nay sayers. Until then I'll just keep my mouth shut. It really gets me when someone craps all over what you have to say in a condescending way. All I can say is during my high school years, when I lived in Northeastern PA, I ate, slept, and sh*t in the woods more times than anyone know. Just a backpack with a one man tent, cheap folding stove, chicken noodle soup, map, no compass, and an ultra-lite spinning rod. Yeah I spent more than a day at a time exploring the wilds on occassion.