Big Spring?



Active member
Jun 9, 2016
Can anyone give me a current status of Big Spring? I was there once, probably 15 yrs ago, and fished "the ditch." I wasn't too impressed at the time, but think I heard that the situation has improved? The hatchery closed, right? Appreciate any info.
Tim Robinsin and I were there on Tuesday AM, getting our butts kicked. There are a lot of fish. A LOT. Catching them is another story...but the trout, both brookies and rainbows, are there in force. We saw plenty of both species. I caught 2 'bows on an ant.
sgrim wrote:
I heard that the situation has improved? The hatchery closed, right? Appreciate any info.

Yes, it has improved (dramatically), and yes, the hatchery was closed 15 years ago.

Since then, the downstream fly fishing section has undergone an extensive restoration that has improved the habitat. It's worth a visit.
I like big spring. It's always challenging. Every time I'm there I spend the first hour or two trying to figure it out. I cant say I catch more fish than other places, but you'll know the fish are there and that sure beats fishing to empty water.
Stream locations
Fredrick wrote:
Stream locations

I usually move threads to the appropriate forum after they have not been refreshed for a day or two. It's time for this one to move too.
Follow up on my earlier question ... I'm trying to make the trip out this weekend and am wondering whether there's any optimum time right now? Early a.m. or late day? It's a couple hours of driving for me to get there so I'd like to hit it right if I can.

sgrim wrote:
Follow up on my earlier question ... I'm trying to make the trip out this weekend and am wondering whether there's any optimum time right now? Early a.m. or late day? It's a couple hours of driving for me to get there so I'd like to hit it right if I can.

It's worth a visit any time you can get there.
The water is cold so you can fish mid day if you want.
Follow up on my earlier question ... I'm trying to make the trip out this weekend and am wondering whether there's any optimum time right now? Early a.m. or late day? It's a couple hours of driving for me to get there so I'd like to hit it right if I can.


Personally, I would fish big Spring earlier than later, mostly due to angler traffic...get there first, and you're first on the water. Later in the day, who knows how many folks have thrashed up thru the water earlier that day....although you probably will encounter a random riser as the sun sets in the evening.

That said, I'd make a day of it, get there early and fish 'til late morning when the sun gets high enough to kinda slow things down, then drive over to Carlisle or Boiling Springs for decent lunch and finish the day on either the Breeches or the Letort and you just might chance into an evening hatch.