Big Spring Creek

Pretty much the upper end of the creek where it goes under Big Springs Road, south of the intersection of Big Springs Road and Springfield/Log Cabin Roads.

Like Afishinado said, the Ditch proper is the slow water (maybe 50 yards?) above the old dam.

It's not a bad place to mend a bruised ego and catch a few dinks if you got skunked downstream.

In the 'old" days, the size of the fish in there was not to be believed...
Afishinado & Bamboozle

thank you for that info, i completely missed that i made a right hand turn down from that to get onto big springs road coming from route 11. I might put a day in there sometime.

Fishing the Ditch is like fishing in an aquarium. The water is gin clear so the trout see everything. If you like technical fishing, this is the spot for you. Like Bamboozle said, the fish do run on the small side but are beautiful nevertheless (what wild spring creek brook trout isn't?). When the hatchery was still in operation there, it created an artificial fishery in the Ditch which resulted in extremely large fish and an overall high concentration of fish. While I liked/fished the stream a ton during those days, today's version of BSC is much better on so many other levels.