big hoppers



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2007
is it just me,or do hoppers seem extra large this year?
shakey wrote:
is it just me,or do hoppers seem extra large this year?
might be but where I'm at , they will only take a size #12 -14 ....... Nothing big it seems they're intimidated by the bigger sizes this year........Just like the Salmon Fly every year since I've been here........ "82"
Yes. The vegetation is out of control because of the rain. High cool flows, holy grail, trout fishing has been excellent.
Fly of choice, large hopper.
Go fish them!

You wouldn't believe the large cricket population on my farm in the tall grasses
If they're big now, wait another three weeks. Late August to early October is prime time for big hoppers.

I haven't noticed that they're bigger this year, but I haven't been paying attention. I'll keep an eye out. Will be interesting to hear if folks are finding a good hopper bite.
I just said this earlier today. I've noticed so many extra large hoppers this summer.
I have noticed no difference in hopper size here this year. Where I live I am surrounded by fields of corn and soybeans and generally the hoppers are so thick that as I'm walking down my lane to the Juniata those things are hopping everywhere. This year I am seeing a lot less hoppers around.
Just a few days ago I noticed more big hoppers than usual. I don't have any explanations for it.

But regarding fly fishing, I've always had better luck with smaller hopper patterns than large ones.

lots of hoppers out there!!