Big Bushkill Conditions(Ressica Falls)



Oct 12, 2008
What is the current condition of Big Bushkill Creek at Ressica Falls
i.e. temperature, stream level and flow?
411 cfs; median flow is probably around 175. Wouldn't want to wade that myself....Temps are probably still reasonable; I live to far away to hazard a guess on that.
I was on the Brodhead this morning which is about 10-15 miles from Ressica Falls. It was still a little high but definitely fishable. It's lightly raining out today in Stroudsburg so if the water stays clear enough the trout should be able to see the BWO's as I'm sure they're hatching today. Not sure when or if you plan to fish the Bushkill at Ressica but it's not ideal conditions currently but still definitely fishable. Water temperature should not be an issue either.
Well the Bushkill is now at 912cfs and rising can't imagine that will be fishable for awhile. If you get the rain we are having she will go even higher....One of our streams which had been running about 60cfs is around 4000!