Best winter spots in SEPA



Apr 5, 2012
Wondering where everyone heads off to?
There are over a thousand fishing reports in the Stream Reports forum and they're listed by date. If you haven't already done so, you might care to take some time to look thru what folks have reported for the winter months in the counties you're interested in targeting.
Fly fishing is like a lifelong research project. You research how to fish, how to tie flies, where to fish, etc. You're always learning, exploring, discovering. Use this forum and the power of the internet to do that exploring. There's a lot of information out there...
Vehicles work well too. Drive somewhere, look for a stream that looks fishy and wet a line. The PFBC has documented many streams but they haven't gotten to all of them. Limestoners will be a bit easier than freestoners but both types of streams will give up trout in winter.
I tend to fish the same streams I do in the summer, just with more layers on.