Best technique book?

George Daniels is on my list to,Sit in my truck looking at the water and reading just waiting for a little warm weather to try what i read.
I just got Dave Hughes Reading Trout Water and so far I think it is a good read. Being a visual person I like the illustrations. As others have said, nothing beats getting on the water and I want to add it's great when you can connect experiential learning with book learning.
Nothing beats getting out on the water with someone willing to show you the ropes.

I agree with this statement. Time on the water is the best way to learn. That said, you'll get the most out of you're time on the water if you do your homework and read up before you go out. Time on the water with a guide or experienced mentor is invaluable for learning to read water and other abstract fly fishing skills that are hard to learn from reading and watching videos. Nothing beats having a "teacher" who will answer questions and correct problems.

I've never read the Humphreys books, but I've watched "A Casting Approach to Dry Fly Tactics in Tight Brush" and it was pretty good so I'm sure the books are of similar quality. The Stroup books and "Dynamic Nymphing" are good books. Tom Rosenbauer put out a small stream fishing book that talks a good deal about reading water that was very good too. Based on the small stream book, I would look at the reading trout streams book by Rosenbauer.

Good luck!
On the stream with Joe Humphreys is another good one.

These are the chapters:
tricos in the rain
dry fly
some things to remember