best place to go in yellow breaches?



Feb 6, 2013
My buddy is comming up to fish the breaches with me. I have been to Allenberry,but am looking for another place on the creek to take him. I AM HORRIBLE WITH DIRECTIONS. ..

Any help would be great. Thanks
rob........just drive to Boiling Springs. Drive around the small lake until you see the parking lot below the lake. The "run" is right there. This is not the Breeches, but there are fish in there. You walk down the path along the run till you hit the stream. wade across at the junction of the run and the stream. Fish down stream from there until you reach the slower deep water. This water is mostly riffles. The fish will be from the middle of the creek to the far side. Very easy to wade. Use a pheasant tail or an olive caddis puppae. Buggers work too. Don't know about surface action this time of year.
What Biggie said.
There are many miles of fishable water on Breeches. You might try the link in the upper right side of this page "Where to Fly Fish" as it can get you the basic Google driving directions to the reg water.

Also, keep in mind that, by next weekend, you'll need to stick to the reg water due to closed trout season as most of YB is stocked. The YB looked pretty good yesterday... but continued snowmelt is going to make it very cold and probably higher than ideal for awhile.