Best flyfishing memory of 2007


Regarding the Susky problem..Environmentalism would be saying the Susky has a problem. Conservation would be actually doing something about it. It is often important to have both as a team to succeed.[/quote]

So they are an important part of the team? The original statement was that they were just faddists. Well, good, Rachel Carson and Aldo Leopold are finally vindicated. About time.
Sorry to say that I didn't have a best outing this year, a couple were pretty good, like my trips to the Little Schuylkill near Tamaqua, but compared to other years there were none that were outstanding.
You can not separate conservation from envirmentalism and conservation from environmentalism the 2 go hand in hand. I think what some of you are talking about is individuals and the way they conduct their lives.
For instance, my job used to take me all over the country in planes, does that make me any less an environmentalist or conservationist then some who drives 1 mile to work? No!!! Here's why, for the last 20 years I've spent as much time working on Ev. and Con. projects as I have fishing. I don't meet many people that can say the same thing, however some of them do visit the message board here.
Due to some health problems I didn't get out much this year, plus the low water made the trout fishing disappointing. didn't get to due much fishing with JF on Penns.

Did have a good time the couple of times Merle came in from Ind. We always have a good time together!

I really miss fishing with Pad, we had a lot of good time together!

Next year will be better!

Turns out me, maurice, and ryan aren't alone.

Just some more well-stated points, since I have a lack of ability to generate my own.
I think you and I are splitting hairs. My quote was aimed at the urban fad that embraces environmentalism in name only and does not adress its underlying facotrs. Like J said, to many it is merely a slogan.
It's all what you make of it! Everything is relative! Even if all the groups got together, they really can't do much......... maybe make plans to upgrade the sewage plants in a few years, or watch the farm run off a little more! The damage is done!

The earth is way too crowded and way too polluted. Every year the fishing gets worse! Global Warming is here! Saltwater fishing is actually worse than Freshwater!

The "wonderful memories" post I posted here is only my perception of the fun I had fishing this year. This year was only 3% of what the fishing was twenty years ago.

I live in a dream world when I go fly fishing. I had fun catching the couple this year....... ten years ago, it would have been a hundred....... but soon there won't be any fish in the Susquehanna, well maybe a couple chubs or maybe a stinkin' carp!

The once great Susquehanna is now a shallow, snotgrass filled, slime bottom, smelly cesspool! But I still go fishing there anyway.

"I'm just a dreamer, dreaming my life away" - Ozzie
Woolybugger wrote:

“It's all what you make of it! Everything is relative! Even if all the groups got together, they really can't do much......... maybe make plans to upgrade the sewage plants in a few years, or watch the farm run off a little more! The damage is done!

The earth is way too crowded and way too polluted. Every year the fishing gets worse! Global Warming is here! Saltwater fishing is actually worse than Freshwater!

The "wonderful memories" post I posted here is only my perception of the fun I had fishing this year. This year was only 3% of what the fishing was twenty years ago.

I live in a dream world when I go fly fishing. I had fun catching the couple this year....... ten years ago, it would have been a hundred....... but soon there won't be any fish in the Susquehanna, well maybe a couple chubs or maybe a stinkin' carp!

The once great Susquehanna is now a shallow, snotgrass filled, slime bottom, smelly cesspool! But I still go fishing there anyway.

"I'm just a dreamer, dreaming my life away" – Ozzie”

Ouch!……and this is your best fly fishing memory?! Spare us by not posting your worst memory!!

Wrong song Dude……..Ozzie also wrote:

There are no unlockable doors
There are no unwinable wars
There are no unrightable wrongs….

There are no unbeatable odds

Shall I say it again..

Your first sentence was right, “It's all what you make of it!”

Cheer up – fish on – help with the fight…..
Humbolt Nation- think globally...act locally