Best Coq De Leon material

  • Thread starter mike_richardson
  • Start date


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Just wondering what is the best Coq De Leon material to buy specifically for tails on nymphs. I will be tying up a decent number of Frenchies soon, and want to know the best way to order.

Is a cape the best rout, or do they sell different material packages.

I don't want to buy a whole cape, if I will not be able to use half of the feathers or something like that.

Also besides, nymph tails, what other uses do you have for this material?
you can buy packets of cdl feathers if you dont want to buy a cape


substitute grizzly hackle fibers or even hungarian partridge

the fish will never know the difference

you can use cdl feathers for wet flies, soft hackles, wings or whatever you would use a regular hackle for

be creative. experiment :)
They make great dryfly tails. I think that was the original use. Long and stiff. They are used on nymphs because they are more durable than pheasant tail fibers (Frenchie is BHPT variant).

I have purchase small packs of individual feathers, they are pricy.
a rooster cape will cost you about $30 shipped...
a tailing pack will be about $25,
with packs of paired feathers abtou $9. these packs contain pairs of different 'colors' or degree of mottling - light, med, dark pardo, badger, white etc....

in my opinion the cape is the best deal in terms of feather volume and size range

I can probably get them a lot cheaper than that, so it may be just better to go with the cape. Thanks for filling me in on this material.

I will check my catalog when I get home and see what rout I want to take.

I mainly want it to tie a true frenchie pattern, and not substitute for a cheaper material. It seems these are tied pretty heavy and need to be very durable.
I use natural grey and yellow mallard flanks on my frenchies. They work very well.
Thanks marvin. That is something I was also looking at and have a ton of.

I can get the small pack of cdl for 5.00 So I may just go that rout for now. I am thinking I will just get the natural for now.
+1 - on Mallard Flank....I have been using Mallard as well with good results....Just recently tied a few with Wood Duck flank for a little more barring and they look awesome.....
I know what you're thinking, especially with tying the Frenchie with material in the original. I can tell you that I tie a lot of this pattern, plus many others with CDL. My advice is to find a local supplier and purchase based on the amount you plan on tying in the next year. I typically buy packs (cost is ~ $8) and they last a long time. The feathers are all durable and you only need to strip a small bunch each time.

If you need specific suppliers, let me know. The majority of those I purchased have been excellent quality. There are many substitutions (mallard flank, various soft hackle fibers, etc.), and though they are all excellend substitutions, sometimes it's simply best to tie with the original in the pattern.


Here's some patterns tied with CDL:


Man I love this stuff! I picked up a small pack of the dark colored and tied up some frenchies last night. I really like the look of this material.

All the references I have found said to make the tail about a hook length. Seems a bit long to me. Do CDL tails tend to be long or was I just looking in the wrong place for reference.

I ordered a pack of the speckled as well and hope to get that in soon.
Mallard is not something you want to use for a tail if you want a durable fly.
Yes it looks nice, but its not gonna be there after you catch couple of fish. You will get snag on the bottom and bum the tail is gone.
Woodduck is much better and stronger, but also not perfect.
CDL is the best, most durable product for tails.
I mostly use Whiting tailing packs, but Hareline CDL light,dark and medium speckled is also a great option.