Best access point for Pine Creek DHALO Alleghany County?



May 18, 2010
Via PM or otherwise, I would appreciate any useful information on access and approach to the DHALO on Pine Creek in Alleghany County.

I think that there is a driving range along the middle of it and I assume that they let people park and access the stream.

Last year I had very limited time to check it out and I parked upstream of the driving range in an abandonded field and dropped down over the ridge. It was a pretty steep descent and I think I did it partially on my rear end. I was wearing my best hiking shoes - Crocs ;-)

I assume some tan caddis and wooly buggers are good bets. If I recall, this creek is loaded with Crayfish.
the delayed section is not the nicest to fish. check out the PFBC website and check the stocking maps for great road access info.
Take Bryant off of Duncan Ave. You will see plenty of access there.
Bryant Rd. Green nymphs like weenies, sparkle pupa, eggs. Also brown san juan worms. Crane flies are coming off.
