Being Watched?

I hate being watched while bass fishing. I've even had a drone flying around me for an hour until I found the guy and asked what he was doing, he ran away fast. Another time was a family was feet behind me for a couple of minutes, so I stopped roll casting and started to double haul, they left quickly. Both times I was fishing alone and very shady-looking people.
When you are fishing, do you mind if someone approaches you, not to bust into your spot, but to watch you?
As long as he keeps his waders on, fine. If not, $20. That's the going rate for churning one out in my presence.
Another Question; When you are fishing, do you mind if someone approaches you, not to bust into your spot, but to watch you? Reason I ask is, I've been taught to watch others and learn from them. I've had one very nice experience where I approached an older gentleman, introduced myself as I dropped my rod and sat on the ground and announced that I'd just like to watch from a distance. I asked if he didn't mind. This fine man proceeded to talk his way through everything he was doing as well as pass on his past experiences. He eventually invited me in the creek next to him and showed me how to swing wets and it produced two fish! Other times, when I encountered a fisherman and tried to get close enough to introduce myself, he assumed I was coming to hog his spot or jump him up the stream. He gave me a colder shoulder then the water I was in! The only thing I got out of him was which way he was headed, then I politely backtracked the way I came.
Only if I’m asked. Otherwise I feel like the person is just waiting for me to move on to another hole.
If asked, I " probably" would not mind.
Would DEF, politely give him couple of " "courteous ground rules " like ...
" I am probably not gonna b very chatty, but u r welcome to watch from a location that will not hinder my presentations"

On the other end...I would have no problem asking another FF who was clearly dialed in for permission to quietly learn from his MOJO., at a polite distance.
Just say "Whaddya lookin at?"