Beginning FF looking for equipment



New member
Mar 7, 2011
I've been a spin casting fisherman for my whole life and recently decided I want to learn to fly fish. Been reading books and the forums on here(You all have trumped the knowledge I have gained from the books in just a few posts). I now want to pick up my equipment to get out there and put the book knowledge to use. My question is where would you recommend getting my equipment without breaking the bank. I'm from the Allentown area and I know I can go to Cabelas but I was hoping to get some customer service and If I had the choice I would rather keep my money at a small shop than at a place like Cabelas. Hopefully some people can give me some ideas on where to go and really any insight to first set of gear would be greatly appreciated.
LL Bean is clearaning the older Streamlight series rods and reels. They may not impress with a big name, but its servicable and lifetime guarantee.

Other than that, its a drive to Reading or the Poconos for a smaller mom and pop shop, and I dont know how budget you'll skate out of one of those shops.

Welcome to PaFlyFish. We're glad you've found our forums helpful and encouraging. By all means stick around. This Beginner's Forum is geared toward providing a location where new FFers can ask questions and seek help or recommendations.

I'll second Gfen's observation about local shops. Cabelas isn't really bad actually. They have a good selection of modestly priced gear. I don't recommend that new FFers go for high end stuff but - obviously - that's a decision for each new FFer to answer for themselves. Lots of folks feel that you get what you pay for and recommend buying the best you can afford. Then there are us old sticks-in-the-mud who feel that you can have fun with just about anything and always replace gear later. To each his own. If you do prefer to support a local fly shop, we've got some mighty fine ones around PA - you can always check out their website and mail order. These shops can also provide some good local fishing information and many of us have maintained a sort of brand loyalty to these shops for many years. There's a link in the upper right corner of this page that lists many of them. Among others, I'd recommend Fly Fisher's Paradise and Yellow Breeches Outfitters.
Again, welcome and best wishes.
Thanks for the quick responses. I think I will make the trek out to Cabelas this weekend and see what feels good with what I am willing to spend to get things started. I am sure I will have more questions once I really get going. Nice to know people on this site are willing to help out complete strangers.
Jason, I would check out the Bean, if you are just starting.

Forget Cabellas, I have a better idea. I will accidentally leave the garage door open and you can "steal" my cheapo beginner equipment. This will give me the cover I need to go out and get a new rig. Two birds, one stone, winning!

Look on ebay - there are great deals out there - I would suggest a st croix imperial - 4 or 5wt - I got my last one for 60 bucks on ebay.


I would send a message to this guy and offer 60 bucks and see what he had to say- no bids and it is getting down to the wire