BEFORE & AFTER....Thread Management


Active member
Jan 5, 2011
Any GravelBar, will do just fine. 365. Fresh&Salt
" Managing" my materials is always a chore, for me.
ESPECIALLY, if I want to take my tying gear on a road trip.

Recently, I was browsing the WalMart Sewing Section, and saw this...

Double Sided. 48 Adjustable Compartments

It seems to be working out pretty well.
A DEF improvement from my " original" 3 box approach ( on left)


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i use the uni boxes. $3

I use a very similar large double sided, compartmented plastic storage box for storing my thread. I also store spools of other materials such as wire and vinyl rib in this container. I’m pretty much reaching capacity of this container so I may have to get a second one and would probably have one totally dedicated to thread and the other for the other spooled materials. I think it’s an excellent way to keep these types of materials organized and easily accessible.
You can sure get a LOT of spools of thread, wire or tinsel in that box! Another feature that I like about it, that I see from the manufacturer’s picture, is the carry handle that it has, which makes it easy to carry if you’re taking it somewhere with you, or to store it upright.

I have a somewhat similar plastic box to yours, but it has plastic pegs that each spool fits onto. I bought it at one of the craft stores awhile back, and use it mostly for my wire and tinsel, but I’ve outgrown it and should really get another one (or cut down on my supply!).

" Managing" my materials is always a chore, for me.
ESPECIALLY, if I want to take my tying gear on a road trip.

Recently, I was browsing the WalMart Sewing Section, and saw this...

Double Sided. 48 Adjustable Compartments

It seems to be working out pretty well.
A DEF improvement from my " original" 3 box approach ( on left)

Nice box but if you like it a lot, you better go by a spare or two because it WILL go away... 😉

I "store" my thread on bobbins because I'm lazy:

Bobbin Collection.jpg

If I tie on the road, I always plan what I will be tying and only bring those materials so in the case of thread, I grab a few bobbins loaded with correct size & color thread, stick them in my vise travel case & go.

But my other spooled stuff that I never put on a bobbin like floss, wire or extra spools of thread are in smaller boxes about the size of the Uni boxes for a similar reason, so when I travel I can just grab the smaller box of stuff I'll need.

But whatever works for you is all that is important.