Bedford county class A streams & stocking



New member
Feb 5, 2016
Sometimes my job has me travel the state. Since most of the time my travel only requires an hour of time at the site. I decided this year I will find a stream in the area and fish a couple hours before returning home.
I need to make a trip to Bedford county in the next week or two. I will be in Bedford and saxton area.
I broke out the class A list and picked Bobs creek since it was mostly on public land. I check PFBC site and sections of that creek are stocked. So that makes the class A section off limits till opening day.
So my next pick was Yellow creek. Sections 2,4,5 are listed as Class A brown trout but sections 4&5 are stocked with rainbows . Why does the PFBC stock over these sections?

Since section 5 of Yellow Creek is FFO I could fish that section. What are the chances of catch wild brown over the stocked rainbows?
I would rather find a stream to catch wild Browns I can catch stickies at home.
Any other recommendations of stream to try in the area that are open to fish prior to the 4/16 opener?

Haven't fished Yellow for a couple of years. My experience was always that wild fish were few and far between on the FFO stretch. Probably have to go through a lot of those fresh rainbows to get a wild fish or two.
Yellow creek is a good option if your in that area. in the ffo section, you will find many wild browns mixed in with the stockies. That stretch can be crowded though at times, especially on weekends and nice weather days.
I am planning a mid week trip. I haven't decided if I am going to fish in the morning or evening yet.
When I traveled a lot around the state, I did the same thing, using my travel time to catch some new waters I wouldn't normally get to fish. I'm not sure your route of travel, but oftentimes, I look along the whole route, not just my destination. This would open up more options. That said, the Yellow Creek special regs section is nice water. Whether the fish are stocked or wild, there is usually a hatch of some sort. Good luck.
I usually catch more WT than stockers in yellow creek. And I think it's very worthwhile to fish.
As for the rainbows, they can run pretty large. I've caught a few in the 24" range - and they fought well. So what if they're stocked?
I am not a snob to stocked trout I enjoy catching them also . I just thought if I was traveling I would like to fish wild trout.

I fish Yellow Creek a few times a year. I always tend t catch more wild fish than stockers. It is worth your time to stop there. Even on a weekday though, at this time of year, there will most likely be a few folks there.

Walt's worms...just saying