Be careful



Active member
May 28, 2010
I had commitments this morning, didn't make it to the Tully until 2:00 this afternoon. Wrong time of day for this time of year. But I thought what the heck. The highlight and the lowlight. A big fish wreaked havoc on my tippet. It was over in an instant. Saw it turn, maybe 20". So I'm standing crotch deep in the riff at the paper mill when I see 2 kayaks approaching. A mother (guessing late 50's) and a daughter. The mother heads straight for me. In an instant I had this panicky feeling that she was going to hit me. I yelled "what the he!! are you doing"!? She yelled "I don't know how to steer this thing"! I leaned to my right just in time to push her kayak away from me, which was moving pretty darn fast. When she passed me she said she never did this before. And she was not wearing a PFD.
I fish the Tully a lot and there seems to more kayaks traffic this year than in past years. Must have been a sale on kayaks! Some are polite and some are down right rude.
I don’t believe a PFD has to be worn after May 1. Only have to have it on board.

If you are deep wading where there are yakers, YOU may need the PFD more than them.
i ran into a bikini hatch already.
Kayaking has become far more popular in recent decades.

And many of them have no clue how to control the boat.

I've seen them coming down Spring Creek and Bald Eagle Creek totally at the mercy of the current, pinweeling around, going sideways and backwards, crashing into brush and tree limbs along the banks.

If anyone on here will be buying a kayak, learn how to control the boat on still water, on a lake, and get good at that before you take it onto a stream or river.

Flowing water is deceptively dangerous. It can look smooth and slow moving, but it can mess you up.
I've never been hit by a kayak before, then again most streams I fish aren't kayaked. Drift boats are a different story. I fished the Salmon River once and a guide hit me with his boat in barely knee deep water on the edge of the river, then proceeded to blame me. Wonder how his tip was?
What did she look like?
Troutbert that's called "Bumper Kayaking"
Every summer morning on the Shenandoah River I encounter the yellow or blue tube hatch. If you think watching folks learn how to control a kayak is interesting, watch a gaggle of tubers come bounding down the river. Most mornings I have to help a few get back in the main current. The smallmouth don't seem all that bothered by them so it really is only a five minute inconvenience.

I have had the same thing happen on the yough. Lady and some kids in a raft. She asked me what the hell i was doing standing in the middle of the river.

I was with DaveS once when a family ran right into our boat on the yough. Total Silence on their part. No sorry, nothing. Just stared at us. It was odd.
My point about the PFD: she should be wearing one if she never kayaked before. The Tully has some fast deep spots.
My point is these things have a way of working themselves out.
Don’t interfere with nature taking its course.
Maybe she was coming over to get the digits since she thought you look good in waders and she knew that you'd be able to put fish on the dinner table and she likes the taste of trouser trout .
Even though we get pissed off at them....
The truth of the matter is one day any one of us could be floating down the river face down and a kayaker come to our rescue.
If you are face down, there is no rescue, just recovery-- and maybe that's important to you.
This could have been tragic for me if she ran me over and I drowned.. You see, she had a radio in her kayak and blasting very loudly was a song by Nickelback. If the last thing I heard before I died was a song by Nickelback, surely I would know that God is punishing me.
^^^ Hahaha!
You caught that one BrookieChaser.
On a serious note, as a "going out" song, my choice would be Judy Collins singing Amazing Grace.

On a less serious note would be one of 3 choices:

1) Kings of Leons "Waste a Moment" because it would be.

2) The Clash "Clampdown"..... because they are the Clash.

3) Wall of Voodoo "Mexican Radio". I wish I was in Tijuana, eating barbequed Iguana. Mmmmm, a culinary delight.